Friday, December 27, 2024 8:46:01 AM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,272.87 0.00/0.00%
HNX-INDEX 229.90 0.00/0.00%
UPCOM-INDEX 94.41 0.00/0.00%
HAPACO Joint Stock Corporation (HAP : HOSE)
Basic Materials : Paper
4.48 0.00/0.00%
8:45:00 AM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
12/27/2024 4.48 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
12/26/2024 4.48 78 89,500 97 223,003 -133,503 38,500 171,943
12/25/2024 4.45 79 106,095 129 383,658 -277,563 47,700 211,434
12/24/2024 4.40 59 63,551 85 258,282 -194,731 16,900 74,116
12/23/2024 4.39 82 244,906 109 211,749 33,157 66,400 290,282
12/20/2024 4.37 105 208,815 111 390,077 -181,262 105,800 457,447
12/19/2024 4.36 97 268,401 76 245,188 23,213 125,600 544,877
12/18/2024 4.36 98 344,534 100 325,732 18,802 38,100 166,123
12/17/2024 4.36 129 369,396 96 374,542 -5,146 182,100 769,285
12/16/2024 4.36 100 159,561 113 347,890 -188,329 70,500 303,806
12/13/2024 4.36 83 139,918 80 321,690 -181,772 76,600 332,647
12/12/2024 4.36 77 137,830 85 243,416 -105,586 49,700 214,682
12/11/2024 4.36 102 143,584 94 390,578 -246,994 103,500 447,450
12/10/2024 4.36 52 95,325 81 197,524 -102,199 28,000 121,867
12/9/2024 4.35 77 95,077 118 269,750 -174,673 29,000 125,925
12/6/2024 4.34 60 109,926 88 212,087 -102,161 55,300 238,545
12/5/2024 4.30 49 138,444 62 131,968 6,476 50,700 217,329
12/4/2024 4.29 40 102,550 59 138,993 -36,443 43,700 186,300
12/3/2024 4.28 37 52,789 45 132,152 -79,363 6,100 26,032
12/2/2024 4.28 42 91,386 66 148,246 -56,860 33,100 141,468
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