Sunday, December 1, 2024 8:53:57 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
All information about the Vietnamese Stock Market in HOSE, HNX and UPCOM exchanges, updated every second.
12/1/2024 8:53:57 AM
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Google and the Việt Nam National Innovation Centre (NIC) launched the 'Build for the AI Future' initiative, aiming to address challenges and promote comprehensive AI development in Vietnam.   Full Article
1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
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HOSE Statistics
 205    143    116  
Total Volume 502,807,656
Total Value 13,497.44 bil
Total Trade 0
Total Foreigner Buy Volume 40,069,764
Total Foreigner Buy Value 1,812.06 bil
Total Foreigner Sell Volume 41,167,162
Total Foreigner Sell Value 1,482.14 bil
Last updated at 3:05:01 PM
224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
Real-time chart
HNX Statistics
 78    58    177  
Total Volume 51,853,600
Total Value 820.34 bil
Total Trade 0
Total Foreigner Buy Volume 1,315,572
Total Foreigner Buy Value 36.09 bil
Total Foreigner Sell Volume 936,135
Total Foreigner Sell Value 21.57 bil
Last updated at 3:05:01 PM
92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
Real-time chart
UPCOM Statistics
 181    109    595  
Total Volume 34,862,997
Total Value 583.52 bil
Total Trade 0
Total Foreigner Buy Volume 352,019
Total Foreigner Buy Value 31.56 bil
Total Foreigner Sell Volume 177,821
Total Foreigner Sell Value 16.47 bil
Last updated at 3:05:01 PM
Actives, Gainers, Losers
Actives  |   %Gainers  |   %Losers  |   Gainers  |   Losers
Volume Price Change
VIX  VIX Securities Joint Stock Company 15,915,100 10.05 +0.05/+0.50%
HPG  Hoa Phat Group Joint Stock Company 13,877,300 26.75 +0.35/+1.33%
DXG  Dat Xanh Group Joint Stock 13,261,300 17.50 +0.10/+0.57%
FPT  FPT Corporation 11,586,700 144.30 +4.90/+3.52%
SSI  Saigon Securities Incorporation 9,018,200 24.55 +0.25/+1.03%
VIB  Vietnam International Commercial Joint Stock Bank 8,485,700 19.00 +0.10/+0.53%
TCB  Vietnam Technological and Commercial Joint Stock Bank 8,447,400 23.60 0.00/0.00%
EVF  EVN Finance Joint Stock Company 7,889,000 10.70 +0.15/+1.42%
DIG  Development Investment Construction Joint Stock Corporation 7,817,200 20.30 -0.05/-0.25%
VRE  Vincom Retail Joint Stock Company 7,796,000 17.90 -0.10/-0.56%
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Today's Foreigner Trading
Exchange: HOSE | HNX | UPCOM
Last Change Net Buy Vol.
MBS  28.00 +0.60/+2.19% 287,505
PVS  34.40 +0.50/+1.47% 128,500
TIG  13.50 +0.50/+3.85% 92,700
IDC  55.40 +0.60/+1.09% 83,500
DTD  26.70 +0.20/+0.75% 53,975
The HNX and UPCOM foreigner trading statistics is updated in real time. The HOSE foreigner trading statistics is updated after the markets closed.
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