Wednesday, October 9, 2024 4:00:27 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,281.85 +9.87/+0.78%
HNX-INDEX 231.77 +0.25/+0.11%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.45 +0.00/+0.00%
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10/9/2024 4:00:27 PM
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Today's Foreigner Trading Statistics
  Buy Sell Buy-Sell
Volume 66,315,769 70,390,515 -4,074,746
% Volume 9.80%
Value 2276.09 bil 2322.87 bil -46.78 bil
% Value 14.19%
Last updated at 3:05:03 PM
Foreigner Buy-Sell Chart
Upper Chart: Buy-Sell Volume, Lower Chart: Buy-Sell Value
Detail Statistics
Symbol Last Change Current Foreign Room Volume Value (Unit: 1000 VND)
Buy Sell Buy-Sell Buy Sell Buy-Sell
AAA  9.58 +0.15/+1.59% 374,148,156 12,200 41,700 -29,500 115,887 396,107 -280,219
ACB  26.25 +0.75/+2.94% 0 501,745 500,000 1,745 13,057,541 13,012,129 45,412
ACC  14.85 +0.80/+5.69% 0 0 25,000 -25,000 0 364,263 -364,263
AGG  15.90 0.00/0.00% 76,767,248 0 6,800 -6,800 0 108,918 -108,918
AGR  18.55 +0.20/+1.09% 214,788,996 100 2,000 -1,900 1,833 36,653 -34,820
ANV  33.65 +0.50/+1.51% 64,336,833 64,800 100 64,700 2,175,214 3,357 2,171,857
APG  9.78 +0.18/+1.88% 202,778,922 74,300 0 74,300 723,053 0 723,053
APH  6.37 +0.01/+0.16% 174,158,109 40,400 41,600 -1,200 256,984 264,617 -7,633
ASM  9.12 +0.02/+0.22% 135,214,204 400 43,300 -42,900 3,650 395,143 -391,493
AST  56.50 +1.30/+2.36% 2,471,865 0 100 -100 0 5,537 -5,537
BAF  22.55 +0.35/+1.58% 117,025,654 240,000 0 240,000 5,364,426 0 5,364,426
BCG  6.38 +0.06/+0.95% 429,805,258 3,100 1,400 1,700 19,715 8,904 10,811
BCM  68.40 -0.30/-0.44% 330,694,461 21,500 80,100 -58,600 1,474,228 5,492,356 -4,018,128
BFC  41.05 +0.85/+2.11% 25,912,726 93,400 3,500 89,900 3,804,335 142,561 3,661,775
BIC  31.50 0.00/0.00% 4,502,565 8,100 0 8,100 253,580 0 253,580
BID  49.45 +0.55/+1.12% 732,456,293 56,046 583,761 -527,715 2,758,456 28,731,382 -25,972,926
BMC  22.30 +0.40/+1.83% 5,462,371 300 0 300 6,713 0 6,713
BMI  21.50 0.00/0.00% 22,303,768 39,135 35,600 3,535 839,521 763,688 75,833
BMP  121.60 0.00/0.00% 12,796,849 123,800 71,700 52,100 14,966,511 8,668,004 6,298,508
BRC  12.80 -0.10/-0.78% 6,050,588 100 0 100 1,288 0 1,288
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