Sunday, February 2, 2025 3:48:27 PM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,265.05 +5.42/+0.43%
HNX-INDEX 223.01 +0.34/+0.15%
UPCOM-INDEX 94.30 +0.42/+0.45%
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2/2/2025 3:48:27 PM
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Today's Foreigner Trading Statistics
  Buy Sell Buy-Sell
Volume 75,046,516 51,827,448 23,219,068
% Volume 14.00%
Value 2267.64 bil 1634.75 bil 632.89 bil
% Value 19.34%
Last updated at 3:05:02 PM
Foreigner Buy-Sell Chart
Upper Chart: Buy-Sell Volume, Lower Chart: Buy-Sell Value
Detail Statistics
Symbol Last Change Current Foreign Room Volume Value (Unit: 1000 VND)
Buy Sell Buy-Sell Buy Sell Buy-Sell
AAA  8.36 +0.01/+0.12% 374,282,266 102,500 300 102,200 856,090 2,510 853,580
ABT  40.50 -0.25/-0.61% 6,879,278 500 0 500 20,350 0 20,350
AGG  15.30 +0.10/+0.66% 80,162,870 22,100 0 22,100 336,800 0 336,800
AGR  16.35 -0.05/-0.30% 214,878,175 3,600 0 3,600 58,800 0 58,800
ANV  17.20 -1.10/-6.01% 127,681,009 12,000 318,200 -306,200 208,560 5,526,280 -5,317,720
APH  7.19 -0.21/-2.84% 175,242,409 8,200 54,900 -46,700 60,210 398,720 -338,510
ASM  7.88 -0.03/-0.38% 135,755,143 24,200 1,400 22,800 191,090 11,050 180,040
BAF  27.65 +0.25/+0.91% 114,111,771 267,000 58,700 208,300 7,316,860 1,608,510 5,708,350
BCE  9.50 +0.31/+3.37% 16,727,160 100 400 -300 910 3,670 -2,760
BCG  5.82 +0.05/+0.87% 429,737,767 345,400 5,700 339,700 2,007,500 33,060 1,974,440
BCM  69.30 +1.30/+1.91% 328,804,899 137,200 27,300 109,900 9,480,880 1,856,350 7,624,530
BFC  40.30 +0.05/+0.12% 27,539,476 93,400 1,100 92,300 3,765,720 44,410 3,721,310
BIC  33.55 -0.45/-1.32% 3,968,020 6,300 12,400 -6,100 213,470 419,300 -205,830
BID  40.00 +0.10/+0.25% 910,675,192 380,900 79,149 301,751 15,221,600 3,158,520 12,063,080
BMC  21.60 -0.20/-0.92% 5,415,732 64 0 64 1,400 0 1,400
BMI  20.55 +0.20/+0.98% 25,262,536 200 21,400 -21,200 4,100 438,720 -434,620
BMP  126.80 +1.20/+0.96% 13,195,833 8,900 141,200 -132,300 1,105,460 17,545,770 -16,440,310
BRC  14.30 -0.40/-2.72% 6,025,657 0 100 -100 0 1,460 -1,460
BSI  46.45 +0.75/+1.64% 131,268,429 213,000 8,922 204,078 9,817,300 408,470 9,408,830
BSR  20.30 -0.20/-0.98% 1,503,133,705 0 231,000 -231,000 0 4,694,290 -4,694,290
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