Sunday, December 1, 2024 8:31:56 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
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12/1/2024 8:31:56 AM
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Today's Foreigner Trading Statistics
  Buy Sell Buy-Sell
Volume 40,069,764 41,167,162 -1,097,398
% Volume 7.97%
Value 1812.06 bil 1482.14 bil 329.92 bil
% Value 15.70%
Last updated at 3:05:01 PM
Foreigner Buy-Sell Chart
Upper Chart: Buy-Sell Volume, Lower Chart: Buy-Sell Value
Detail Statistics
Symbol Last Change Current Foreign Room Volume Value (Unit: 1000 VND)
Buy Sell Buy-Sell Buy Sell Buy-Sell
AAA  8.48 -0.03/-0.35% 372,901,492 143,600 78,700 64,900 1,221,960 668,420 553,540
ABT  39.50 +0.50/+1.28% 6,854,289 0 3,200 -3,200 0 124,800 -124,800
ACG  40.55 -0.45/-1.10% 17,268,564 400 0 400 16,160 0 16,160
ADP  29.40 +0.05/+0.17% 22,846,510 100 0 100 2,940 0 2,940
ADS  9.23 -0.17/-1.81% 38,092,214 100 0 100 940 0 940
AGG  15.05 +0.15/+1.01% 79,751,735 45,600 4,500 41,100 685,540 67,680 617,860
AGR  17.10 +0.05/+0.29% 214,809,295 16,500 8,100 8,400 279,400 138,360 141,040
ANV  18.45 +0.55/+3.07% 63,389,933 91,300 18,200 73,100 1,658,660 328,250 1,330,410
APG  8.99 -0.01/-0.11% 202,757,722 1,000 7,500 -6,500 8,950 67,290 -58,340
APH  6.49 +0.10/+1.56% 175,274,984 10,800 13,100 -2,300 70,040 85,280 -15,240
ASM  8.68 +0.07/+0.81% 135,354,670 9,700 47,000 -37,300 84,210 408,330 -324,120
AST  53.40 -0.40/-0.74% 2,463,705 900 0 900 48,470 0 48,470
BAF  24.85 -0.15/-0.60% 113,855,804 10,100 31,200 -21,100 250,470 777,410 -526,940
BCE  6.93 +0.09/+1.32% 16,568,460 101,500 0 101,500 703,400 0 703,400
BCG  6.33 -0.08/-1.25% 428,115,575 300 516,700 -516,400 1,910 3,297,850 -3,295,940
BCM  66.50 +0.30/+0.45% 330,353,847 63,500 7,100 56,400 4,220,600 468,280 3,752,320
BFC  38.40 -0.35/-0.90% 26,517,676 13,000 236,400 -223,400 499,440 9,120,370 -8,620,930
BHN  38.50 -0.30/-0.77% 72,869,190 0 400 -400 0 15,400 -15,400
BIC  34.85 +1.75/+5.29% 4,073,721 18,800 3,600 15,200 651,820 125,090 526,730
BID  46.75 +0.65/+1.41% 741,438,782 575,300 77,934 497,366 26,799,850 3,598,530 23,201,320
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