Q3 2023 | Q4 2023 | Q1 2024 | Q2 2024 | Q3 2024 |
| | | | |
| I. Cash and precious metals |
1,523,019 | 1,370,849 | 1,557,555 | 1,708,837 | 1,537,467 |
| II. Balances with the State Bank of Vietnam |
30,361,033 | 54,763,646 | 8,836,250 | 23,163,052 | 38,162,945 |
| III. TreasuryBill |
| | | | |
| IV. Placements with and loans to other credit institutions |
65,682,788 | 63,547,919 | 69,288,881 | 85,931,463 | 101,054,271 |
| 1. Cash and gold deposits at other credit institutions |
53,761,846 | 54,825,648 | 48,326,081 | 64,506,218 | 77,594,939 |
| 2. Loans to other credit istitutions |
12,040,104 | 8,841,433 | 21,081,210 | 21,543,655 | 23,459,332 |
| 3. Provision for losses on loans to other credit institutions |
-119,162 | -119,162 | -118,410 | -118,410 | |
| V. Trading securities |
2,341 | 7,851,612 | 6,070,761 | 4,918,981 | 6,633,596 |
| 1. Trading securities |
3,881 | 7,853,152 | 6,118,159 | 4,957,767 | 6,672,352 |
| 2. Provision for diminution in value of trading securities |
-1,540 | -1,540 | -47,398 | -38,786 | -38,756 |
| VI. Derivatives and other financial assets |
| | | | 21,453 |
| VII. Loans and advances to customers |
412,668,584 | 428,763,835 | 428,512,864 | 452,461,770 | 471,738,755 |
| 1. Loans and advances to customers |
420,528,170 | 438,464,147 | 437,666,533 | 461,255,744 | 480,983,938 |
| 2. Provision for losses on loans and advances to customers |
-7,859,586 | -9,700,312 | -9,153,669 | -8,793,974 | -9,245,183 |
| VIII. Investment securities |
35,354,340 | 32,078,505 | 62,808,501 | 48,012,351 | 29,003,078 |
| 1. Available - for - sales securities |
15,036,485 | 14,373,759 | 14,020,640 | 14,023,686 | 12,733,839 |
| 2. Held - to - maturity securities |
20,396,042 | 17,833,636 | 48,929,072 | 34,241,168 | 16,508,132 |
| 3. Provision for diminution in value of investment securities |
-78,187 | -128,890 | -141,211 | -252,503 | -238,893 |
| IX. Investment in other entities and long-term investments |
379,774 | 341,523 | 421,989 | 422,214 | 432,018 |
| 1. Investment in subsidiaries |
| | | | |
| 2. Investment in joint-ventures |
| | | | |
| 3. Investment in associate cmpanies |
333,140 | 294,940 | 350,713 | 350,938 | 357,742 |
| 4. Other long-term investment |
158,272 | 158,272 | 158,272 | 158,272 | 158,272 |
| 5. Provision for diminution in value of long-term investment |
-111,638 | -111,689 | -86,996 | -86,996 | -83,996 |
| X. Fixed assets |
5,197,617 | 5,229,416 | 5,244,103 | 5,252,411 | 5,254,701 |
| 1. Tangible fixed assets |
719,696 | 734,978 | 751,262 | 750,047 | 756,692 |
| - Cost |
1,516,817 | 1,528,503 | 1,563,256 | 1,574,777 | 1,507,930 |
| - Accumulated depreciation |
-797,121 | -793,525 | -811,994 | -824,730 | -751,238 |
| 2. Leased assets |
2,841 | | 2,243 | | 1,594 |
| - Cost |
8,256 | | 7,979 | | 7,505 |
| - Accumulated depreciation |
-5,415 | | -5,736 | | -5,911 |
| 3. Intangible fixed assets |
4,475,080 | 4,494,438 | 4,490,598 | 4,502,364 | 4,496,415 |
| - Cost |
4,798,118 | 4,825,929 | 4,829,344 | 4,848,154 | 4,849,245 |
| - Accumulated depreciation |
-323,038 | -331,491 | -338,746 | -345,790 | -352,830 |
| 4. Construction in progress expense |
| | | | |
| XI. Investment properties |
| | | | |
| - Cost |
| | | | |
| - Accumulated amortization |
| | | | |
| XII. Other assets |
44,528,220 | 36,477,446 | 38,403,209 | 37,990,650 | 34,548,745 |
| 1. Receivables |
23,572,254 | 18,863,483 | 16,959,921 | 15,653,629 | 13,342,666 |
| 2. Interests and fee receivables |
17,622,824 | 14,559,450 | 19,555,328 | 19,664,438 | 19,763,058 |
| 3. Deferred income tax assets |
| | | | |
| 4. Other assets |
3,452,301 | 3,125,661 | 1,975,135 | 2,752,788 | 1,585,360 |
| - In which: Good will |
| | | | |
| 5. Provision for losses on other assets |
-119,159 | -71,148 | -87,175 | -80,205 | -142,339 |
595,697,716 | 630,424,751 | 621,144,113 | 659,861,729 | 688,387,029 |
| | | | |
| I. Due to Government and borrowings from the State Bank of Vietnam |
1,353,887 | 1,333,658 | 1,308,808 | 1,278,944 | 1,260,590 |
| II. Deposits and borrowings from other credit institutions |
57,847,064 | 70,773,152 | 68,598,943 | 91,908,829 | 107,670,219 |
| 1. Deposits form other credit institutions |
50,945,793 | 65,292,948 | 65,143,616 | 81,092,880 | 97,668,338 |
| 2. Borrowings form other credit institutions |
6,901,271 | 5,480,204 | 3,455,327 | 10,815,949 | 10,001,881 |
| III. Depostis from customers |
427,449,408 | 447,503,426 | 444,297,051 | 459,295,640 | 471,799,292 |
| IV. Derivatives and other debts |
94,310 | 97,152 | 171,196 | 240,110 | |
| V. Funds received from Government, international and other institutions |
1,645,732 | 1,611,235 | 1,575,243 | 1,540,687 | 1,496,988 |
| VI. Certificate of deposits |
35,923,070 | 42,821,727 | 35,944,078 | 35,832,622 | 36,548,196 |
| VII. Other liabilities |
21,860,641 | 16,404,535 | 16,067,820 | 13,667,832 | 13,860,675 |
| 1. Intersest and fee payables |
14,800,830 | 14,065,081 | 13,053,846 | 10,883,310 | 10,891,139 |
| 2. Deferred income tax payables |
| | | 24,110 | |
| 3. Other payables |
7,059,811 | | 3,013,974 | 2,760,412 | 2,969,536 |
| 4. Other Provisions |
| 2,339,454 | | | |
| VIII. Shareholders' equity |
49,523,604 | 49,879,866 | 53,180,974 | 56,097,065 | 55,751,069 |
| 1. Capital |
37,638,324 | 37,638,324 | 37,638,324 | 38,073,428 | 38,073,428 |
| - Paid-up capital |
36,193,981 | 36,193,981 | 36,193,981 | 36,629,085 | 36,629,085 |
| - Construction capital |
| | | | |
| - Share capital surplus |
1,449,603 | 1,449,603 | 1,449,603 | 1,449,603 | 1,449,603 |
| - Treasury stocks |
-5,260 | -5,260 | -5,260 | -5,260 | -5,260 |
| - Prefered Stocks |
| | | | |
| - Other equity resources |
| | | | |
| 2. Reserves |
4,035,087 | 4,034,288 | 5,132,384 | 5,356,734 | 5,357,607 |
| 3. Foreign exchange differences |
-681,604 | -689,038 | -679,092 | -538,444 | -614,627 |
| 4. Asset revaluation differences |
| | | | |
| 5. Retained earning |
8,531,797 | 8,896,292 | 11,089,358 | 13,205,347 | 12,934,661 |
| 6. Other funds and expenses |
| | | | |
| IX. Benefits of minority shareholader |
| | | | |
595,697,716 | 630,424,751 | 621,144,113 | 659,861,729 | 688,387,029 |
There is no report.