Sunday, December 1, 2024 5:56:17 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
LICOGI 14 Joint Stock Company (L14 : HNX)
Industrials : Heavy Construction
26.50 -0.20/-0.75%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 26.50 103 49,637 114 80,856 -31,219 19,000 505,280
11/28/2024 26.70 120 128,568 168 160,639 -32,071 75,400 2,011,120
11/27/2024 26.50 143 140,274 124 169,949 -29,675 97,100 2,570,020
11/26/2024 26.80 187 231,333 246 228,099 3,234 150,100 3,977,680
11/25/2024 25.90 105 131,571 105 143,496 -11,925 96,200 2,499,430
11/22/2024 25.60 210 128,883 112 130,145 -1,262 66,100 1,710,040
11/21/2024 26.30 125 106,996 151 135,818 -28,822 69,500 1,835,920
11/20/2024 26.10 173 162,898 232 199,652 -36,754 144,100 3,780,000
11/19/2024 25.40 119 53,296 67 97,600 -44,304 32,200 832,840
11/18/2024 26.10 151 70,788 87 66,141 4,647 45,600 1,185,900
11/15/2024 26.10 166 63,755 130 123,075 -59,320 41,900 1,099,870
11/14/2024 26.30 184 79,121 113 109,510 -30,389 51,900 1,379,710
11/13/2024 26.90 177 82,418 108 87,648 -5,230 51,100 1,373,640
11/12/2024 27.00 165 128,791 96 177,710 -48,919 105,700 2,861,030
11/11/2024 27.00 134 72,580 117 114,146 -41,566 60,300 1,642,910
11/8/2024 27.40 160 69,705 80 69,641 64 23,200 635,270
11/7/2024 27.70 148 97,183 180 139,576 -42,393 74,800 2,076,800
11/6/2024 27.50 141 68,514 114 77,105 -8,591 44,300 1,211,030
11/5/2024 27.20 157 71,342 115 89,327 -17,985 40,000 1,091,480
11/4/2024 27.00 165 63,910 110 99,002 -35,092 48,700 1,340,670
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