Sunday, December 1, 2024 6:01:47 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
KIDO Group Corporation (KDC : HOSE)
Consumer Goods : Food Products
51.50 +0.20/+0.39%
3:05:00 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 51.50 514 1,369,949 360 1,194,830 175,119 655,300 33,740,620
11/28/2024 51.30 495 1,836,635 427 1,329,310 507,325 890,800 45,761,050
11/27/2024 50.80 356 868,142 378 836,935 31,207 528,700 26,798,680
11/26/2024 50.50 368 851,265 317 868,165 -16,900 634,100 31,906,230
11/25/2024 50.40 394 890,120 366 888,540 1,580 627,400 106,455,080
11/22/2024 50.00 306 678,536 326 736,759 -58,223 618,600 30,849,365
11/21/2024 50.10 372 730,665 403 855,968 -125,303 586,300 32,300,095
11/20/2024 50.10 421 787,423 418 848,440 -61,017 582,400 29,017,475
11/19/2024 50.10 401 720,769 516 815,234 -94,465 663,500 50,826,690
11/18/2024 50.10 421 924,696 521 1,173,760 -249,064 759,300 37,667,580
11/15/2024 50.20 284 660,043 284 736,934 -76,891 541,200 143,622,905
11/14/2024 50.20 346 669,975 264 681,924 -11,949 582,800 29,160,235
11/13/2024 50.30 404 778,067 453 714,050 64,017 586,100 64,650,485
11/12/2024 50.30 342 750,949 270 656,750 94,199 563,100 28,274,130
11/11/2024 50.30 336 749,749 280 669,450 80,299 559,300 63,271,265
11/8/2024 50.30 314 666,851 278 662,854 3,997 549,800 27,563,995
11/7/2024 50.30 343 703,454 296 710,336 -6,882 542,900 62,406,470
11/6/2024 50.00 427 807,787 463 1,150,890 -343,103 683,900 34,326,530
11/5/2024 50.80 445 755,238 534 1,157,186 -401,948 696,000 69,489,960
11/4/2024 49.95 307 703,971 337 939,889 -235,918 600,200 82,661,585
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