Sunday, December 1, 2024 5:39:00 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
KIDO Group Corporation (KDC : HOSE)
Consumer Goods : Food Products
51.50 +0.20/+0.39%
3:05:00 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Current Foreign Room Volume Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
Buy Sell Buy-Sell Buy Sell Buy-Sell
11/29/2024 89,195,249 125,700 13,400 112,300 6,473,520 691,330 5,782,190
11/28/2024 89,309,749 246,500 40,100 206,400 12,653,460 2,064,160 10,589,300
11/27/2024 88,050,608 48,200 6,600 41,600 2,440,450 335,120 2,105,330
11/26/2024 88,071,808 46,700 11,200 35,500 2,346,730 565,400 1,781,330
11/25/2024 88,111,308 143,300 1,505,641 -1,362,341 7,206,210 75,286,370 -68,080,160
11/22/2024 88,240,408 2,200 27,000 -24,800 109,720 1,344,100 -1,234,380
11/21/2024 87,988,884 14,700 7,200 7,500 733,410 360,720 372,690
11/20/2024 87,757,526 3,200 14,200 -11,000 159,040 708,160 -549,120
11/19/2024 87,760,325 800 253,724 -252,924 39,280 12,560,800 -12,521,520
11/18/2024 87,750,476 1,100 246,058 -244,958 54,090 12,155,880 -12,101,790
11/15/2024 87,732,576 2,600 401 2,199 130,000 20,080 109,920
11/14/2024 87,734,657 8,100 10,649 -2,549 405,350 533,310 -127,960
11/13/2024 87,734,857 5,000 19,000 -14,000 250,330 950,350 -700,020
11/12/2024 87,713,157 12,200 519 11,681 610,490 25,930 584,560
11/11/2024 87,723,157 5,200 7,900 -2,700 260,360 395,520 -135,160
11/8/2024 87,647,457 0 26,700 -26,700 0 1,336,830 -1,336,830
11/7/2024 87,579,989 0 2,200 -2,200 0 110,100 -110,100
11/6/2024 87,535,889 4,700 80,900 -76,200 234,820 4,063,820 -3,829,000
11/5/2024 85,534,689 0 67,468 -67,468 0 3,368,170 -3,368,170
11/4/2024 85,522,389 11,400 44,100 -32,700 570,000 2,211,770 -1,641,770
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