Saturday, February 22, 2025 6:18:43 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,296.75 +3.77/+0.29%
HNX-INDEX 237.57 -0.45/-0.19%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.61 +0.53/+0.53%
Elcom Technology Communications t Corporation (ELC : HOSE)
Technology : Internet
25.95 +0.45/+1.76%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/21/2025 25.95 971 1,150,941 521 2,570,677 -1,419,736 593,300 15,392,480
2/20/2025 29.10 1,387 2,684,563 965 2,472,055 212,508 1,492,000 42,751,110
2/19/2025 28.65 1,435 2,777,156 1,167 2,974,897 -197,741 1,694,600 49,054,830
2/18/2025 29.40 842 2,295,741 693 1,306,149 989,592 670,100 19,735,710
2/17/2025 29.50 938 2,391,610 945 2,678,175 -286,565 1,176,100 34,882,260
2/14/2025 30.20 715 2,027,358 887 1,833,033 194,325 769,500 23,368,785
2/13/2025 30.30 1,564 3,193,489 1,126 2,464,185 729,304 1,220,900 36,797,850
2/12/2025 29.70 709 1,594,416 701 1,613,657 -19,241 630,300 18,644,575
2/11/2025 29.60 1,503 3,595,978 1,227 3,378,442 217,536 1,670,600 49,086,625
2/10/2025 28.50 887 1,284,672 940 1,964,001 -679,329 748,500 21,565,660
2/7/2025 29.10 1,083 1,786,668 1,015 2,061,028 -274,360 881,800 25,634,345
2/6/2025 29.30 754 1,486,003 815 1,341,437 144,566 522,000 15,214,135
2/5/2025 29.20 1,862 4,590,235 1,628 3,594,445 995,790 2,281,800 65,838,690
2/4/2025 27.95 844 2,093,846 757 1,864,727 229,119 922,100 29,220,970
2/3/2025 27.50 695 1,437,655 567 1,102,627 335,028 739,400 20,160,585
1/24/2025 27.85 361 825,263 529 1,083,981 -258,718 418,900 11,577,080
1/23/2025 27.85 628 960,497 833 1,893,994 -933,497 609,200 16,977,615
1/22/2025 27.70 924 1,737,657 726 1,591,912 145,745 678,600 18,617,035
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