Sunday, December 1, 2024 7:25:57 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
Dam Sen Water Park Corporation (DSN : HOSE)
Consumer Services : Recreational Services
53.80 -0.60/-1.10%
3:05:00 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 53.80 118 26,965 45 27,591 -626 17,700 955,360
11/28/2024 54.40 74 15,909 38 25,911 -10,002 3,400 185,080
11/27/2024 54.40 47 8,753 35 11,761 -3,008 1,700 92,490
11/26/2024 54.40 63 12,950 44 16,862 -3,912 4,800 261,710
11/25/2024 54.50 51 13,113 33 17,499 -4,386 3,300 5,875,338
11/22/2024 54.40 59 18,923 33 14,462 4,461 1,800 97,950
11/21/2024 54.10 47 16,567 29 15,692 875 4,900 266,490
11/20/2024 54.10 65 21,862 37 25,670 -3,808 7,500 405,190
11/19/2024 54.00 86 29,498 38 25,472 4,026 10,400 562,010
11/18/2024 54.20 51 8,683 43 24,592 -15,909 3,500 190,140
11/15/2024 54.30 79 27,908 45 24,382 3,526 11,300 615,280
11/14/2024 54.60 80 20,783 31 26,120 -5,337 10,400 566,620
11/13/2024 54.70 68 21,933 29 27,376 -5,443 10,100 552,450
11/12/2024 54.80 55 21,070 32 34,163 -13,093 11,100 608,830
11/11/2024 54.80 53 20,220 43 33,000 -12,780 12,200 670,870
11/8/2024 54.80 63 12,232 36 28,066 -15,834 7,000 384,730
11/7/2024 55.20 58 12,674 59 36,788 -24,114 2,200 121,780
11/6/2024 54.90 67 24,332 31 23,154 1,178 2,400 132,330
11/5/2024 54.60 66 24,218 34 33,573 -9,355 11,900 651,290
11/4/2024 54.70 63 17,594 34 50,982 -33,388 5,200 285,540
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