Q4 2023 | Q1 2024 | Q2 2024 | Q3 2024 | Q4 2024 |
| | | | |
 | I. Cash and precious metals |
9,759,580 | 9,408,384 | 9,457,900 | 10,239,086 | 11,147,549 |
 | II. Balances with the State Bank of Vietnam |
40,597,059 | 17,340,570 | 28,980,462 | 26,611,768 | 34,431,657 |
 | III. TreasuryBill |
| | | | |
 | IV. Placements with and loans to other credit institutions |
279,841,639 | 332,707,091 | 351,233,814 | 378,231,233 | 378,482,885 |
 | 1. Cash and gold deposits at other credit institutions |
259,230,017 | 314,264,476 | 334,405,051 | 367,172,672 | 370,530,038 |
 | 2. Loans to other credit istitutions |
20,611,622 | 18,442,615 | 16,828,763 | 11,058,561 | 7,952,847 |
 | 3. Provision for losses on loans to other credit institutions |
| | | | |
 | V. Trading securities |
2,487,905 | 1,935,074 | 2,259,106 | 3,234,357 | 2,797,955 |
 | 1. Trading securities |
2,676,130 | 2,119,491 | 2,439,833 | 3,417,931 | 2,990,692 |
 | 2. Provision for diminution in value of trading securities |
-188,225 | -184,417 | -180,727 | -183,574 | -192,737 |
 | VI. Derivatives and other financial assets |
| 265,425 | | 350,654 | |
 | VII. Loans and advances to customers |
1,445,571,643 | 1,483,622,353 | 1,543,489,193 | 1,569,844,441 | 1,685,290,589 |
 | 1. Loans and advances to customers |
1,473,344,564 | 1,514,397,585 | 1,571,529,403 | 1,605,381,436 | 1,721,954,714 |
 | 2. Provision for losses on loans and advances to customers |
-27,772,921 | -30,775,232 | -28,040,210 | -35,536,995 | -36,664,125 |
 | VIII. Investment securities |
181,310,531 | 164,156,445 | 159,855,150 | 181,055,780 | 214,608,073 |
 | 1. Available - for - sales securities |
180,695,473 | 158,650,480 | 149,385,216 | 159,435,714 | 188,557,477 |
 | 2. Held - to - maturity securities |
864,999 | 5,865,343 | 10,864,243 | 22,215,768 | 26,635,861 |
 | 3. Provision for diminution in value of investment securities |
-249,941 | -359,378 | -394,309 | -595,702 | -585,265 |
 | IX. Investment in other entities and long-term investments |
3,426,624 | 3,530,248 | 3,743,822 | 3,761,550 | 3,933,844 |
 | 1. Investment in subsidiaries |
| | | | |
 | 2. Investment in joint-ventures |
3,206,452 | 3,310,217 | 3,523,791 | 3,541,519 | 3,706,673 |
 | 3. Investment in associate cmpanies |
| | | | |
 | 4. Other long-term investment |
234,462 | 234,462 | 234,462 | 234,462 | 234,462 |
 | 5. Provision for diminution in value of long-term investment |
-14,290 | -14,431 | -14,431 | -14,431 | -7,291 |
 | X. Fixed assets |
10,125,534 | 9,921,221 | 9,763,538 | 9,622,806 | 10,002,157 |
 | 1. Tangible fixed assets |
6,133,262 | 5,961,800 | 5,870,057 | 5,780,898 | 6,149,216 |
 | - Cost |
16,641,464 | 16,640,340 | 16,701,070 | 16,773,211 | 17,253,570 |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
-10,508,202 | -10,678,540 | -10,831,013 | -10,992,313 | -11,104,354 |
 | 2. Leased assets |
| | | | |
 | - Cost |
| | | | |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
| | | | |
 | 3. Intangible fixed assets |
3,992,272 | 3,959,421 | 3,893,481 | 3,841,908 | 3,852,941 |
 | - Cost |
6,804,407 | 6,836,186 | 6,837,646 | 6,843,624 | 6,927,826 |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
-2,812,135 | -2,876,765 | -2,944,165 | -3,001,716 | -3,074,885 |
 | 4. Construction in progress expense |
| | | | |
 | XI. Investment properties |
| | | | |
 | - Cost |
| | | | |
 | - Accumulated amortization |
| | | | |
 | XII. Other assets |
59,569,502 | 54,728,245 | 52,653,317 | 46,839,436 | 44,688,823 |
 | 1. Receivables |
41,484,817 | 36,836,743 | 36,347,991 | 30,800,229 | 27,775,012 |
 | 2. Interests and fee receivables |
14,710,424 | 14,509,503 | 12,966,987 | 12,708,659 | 13,304,657 |
 | 3. Deferred income tax assets |
| | | | 30 |
 | 4. Other assets |
3,480,958 | 3,489,150 | 3,445,329 | 3,437,424 | 3,715,565 |
 | - In which: Good will |
| | | | |
 | 5. Provision for losses on other assets |
-106,697 | -107,151 | -106,990 | -106,876 | -106,441 |
2,032,690,017 | 2,077,615,056 | 2,161,436,302 | 2,229,791,111 | 2,385,383,532 |
| | | | |
 | I. Due to Government and borrowings from the State Bank of Vietnam |
21,814,105 | 46,137,063 | 111,854,927 | 95,457,490 | 154,284,104 |
 | II. Deposits and borrowings from other credit institutions |
304,424,134 | 325,515,909 | 297,408,527 | 298,636,949 | 276,134,655 |
 | 1. Deposits form other credit institutions |
259,892,746 | 284,967,322 | 249,373,882 | 274,381,871 | 253,519,627 |
 | 2. Borrowings form other credit institutions |
44,531,388 | 40,548,587 | 48,034,645 | 24,255,078 | 22,615,028 |
 | III. Depostis from customers |
1,410,899,038 | 1,427,664,878 | 1,466,830,363 | 1,516,890,438 | 1,606,144,703 |
 | IV. Derivatives and other debts |
555,946 | | 1,378,025 | | 398,121 |
 | V. Funds received from Government, international and other institutions |
2,237,779 | 2,201,409 | 2,232,594 | 2,104,778 | 2,179,950 |
 | VI. Certificate of deposits |
115,375,727 | 101,543,990 | 100,256,876 | 131,825,535 | 151,678,090 |
 | VII. Other liabilities |
49,812,706 | 43,969,319 | 45,502,136 | 43,889,965 | 44,619,771 |
 | 1. Intersest and fee payables |
27,875,315 | 23,926,704 | 22,420,600 | 21,278,197 | 21,025,954 |
 | 2. Deferred income tax payables |
171 | 171 | 171 | 171 | |
 | 3. Other payables |
20,535,976 | 18,565,870 | 21,501,029 | 20,097,074 | 20,830,398 |
 | 4. Other Provisions |
1,401,244 | 1,476,574 | 1,580,336 | 2,514,523 | 2,763,419 |
 | VIII. Shareholders' equity |
126,709,265 | 129,682,875 | 135,048,699 | 140,095,148 | 148,974,266 |
 | 1. Capital |
63,510,626 | 63,510,626 | 63,510,626 | 63,510,626 | 63,583,999 |
 | - Paid-up capital |
53,699,917 | 53,699,917 | 53,699,917 | 53,699,917 | 53,699,917 |
 | - Construction capital |
| | | | |
 | - Share capital surplus |
8,974,677 | 8,974,677 | 8,974,677 | 8,974,677 | 8,974,677 |
 | - Treasury stocks |
| | | | |
 | - Prefered Stocks |
| | | | |
 | - Other equity resources |
836,032 | 836,032 | 836,032 | 836,032 | 909,405 |
 | 2. Reserves |
19,056,816 | 19,048,471 | 19,070,977 | 19,077,178 | 22,741,524 |
 | 3. Foreign exchange differences |
86,970 | 125,322 | 182,531 | 35,561 | 243,105 |
 | 4. Asset revaluation differences |
| | | | |
 | 5. Retained earning |
44,054,853 | 46,998,456 | 52,284,565 | 57,471,783 | 62,405,638 |
 | 6. Other funds and expenses |
| | | | |
 | IX. Benefits of minority shareholader |
861,317 | 899,613 | 924,155 | 890,808 | 969,872 |
2,032,690,017 | 2,077,615,056 | 2,161,436,302 | 2,229,791,111 | 2,385,383,532 |
There is no report.