Wednesday, February 12, 2025 3:34:46 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,268.45 +5.19/+0.41%
HNX-INDEX 228.87 +0.90/+0.39%
UPCOM-INDEX 96.75 +0.12/+0.12%
Airports Corporation Of Viet Nam (ACV : UPCOM)
Industrials : Transportation Services
116.20 -4.40/-3.65%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Current Foreign Room Volume Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
Buy Sell Buy-Sell Buy Sell Buy-Sell
2/11/2025 991,048,298 46,700 110,200 -63,500 5,491,003 12,957,356 -7,466,353
2/10/2025 991,094,998 12,800 0 12,800 1,543,619 0 1,543,619
2/7/2025 990,868,098 80,000 3,900 76,100 9,857,353 480,546 9,376,807
2/6/2025 990,735,498 10,900 0 10,900 1,359,469 0 1,359,469
2/5/2025 990,688,088 5,600 239,700 -234,100 693,043 29,664,724 -28,971,681
2/4/2025 990,661,288 124,411 212,600 -88,189 15,270,454 26,094,948 -10,824,494
2/3/2025 990,715,799 5,000 58,310 -53,310 613,605 7,155,856 -6,542,252
1/24/2025 990,546,799 88,500 32,400 56,100 10,818,812 3,960,785 6,858,026
1/23/2025 990,513,799 58,300 69,900 -11,600 7,078,344 8,486,728 -1,408,384
1/22/2025 990,289,799 6,600 174,000 -167,400 797,180 21,016,556 -20,219,377
1/21/2025 989,615,499 5,100 121,500 -116,400 622,408 14,827,951 -14,205,543
1/20/2025 989,520,170 181,100 282,300 -101,200 22,495,215 35,065,705 -12,570,490
1/17/2025 989,570,170 28,600 680,900 -652,300 3,470,862 82,633,210 -79,162,349
1/16/2025 989,583,070 2,800 100,429 -97,629 333,968 11,978,613 -11,644,644
1/15/2025 989,584,770 46,650 131,100 -84,450 5,564,973 15,639,185 -10,074,212
1/14/2025 989,293,720 53,300 15,700 37,600 6,378,556 1,878,862 4,499,694
1/13/2025 989,344,920 25,200 1,100 24,100 3,011,432 131,451 2,879,981
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