Q4 2023 | Q1 2024 | Q2 2024 | Q3 2024 | Q4 2024 |
| | | | |
 | I. Cash and precious metals |
2,284,990 | 2,432,599 | 2,597,276 | 2,681,822 | 2,148,289 |
 | II. Balances with the State Bank of Vietnam |
8,422,511 | 7,759,148 | 14,975,550 | 13,546,544 | 14,327,215 |
 | III. TreasuryBill |
| | | | |
 | IV. Placements with and loans to other credit institutions |
94,093,778 | 98,545,790 | 115,858,610 | 119,231,088 | 134,643,662 |
 | 1. Cash and gold deposits at other credit institutions |
81,299,073 | 77,117,010 | 84,694,542 | 102,987,545 | 126,527,280 |
 | 2. Loans to other credit istitutions |
12,794,705 | 21,428,780 | 31,164,068 | 16,243,543 | 8,116,382 |
 | 3. Provision for losses on loans to other credit institutions |
| | | | |
 | V. Trading securities |
12,325,809 | 11,331,236 | 11,501,226 | 10,549,064 | 13,110,971 |
 | 1. Trading securities |
12,406,274 | 11,406,079 | 11,576,885 | 10,611,890 | 13,180,721 |
 | 2. Provision for diminution in value of trading securities |
-80,465 | -74,843 | -75,659 | -62,826 | -69,750 |
 | VI. Derivatives and other financial assets |
| 582,774 | | | |
 | VII. Loans and advances to customers |
551,622,004 | 567,636,430 | 609,030,873 | 619,865,901 | 676,545,598 |
 | 1. Loans and advances to customers |
566,271,290 | 582,691,308 | 624,277,460 | 635,344,648 | 692,875,738 |
 | 2. Provision for losses on loans and advances to customers |
-14,649,286 | -15,054,878 | -15,246,587 | -15,478,747 | -16,330,140 |
 | VIII. Investment securities |
94,587,476 | 82,798,265 | 59,429,591 | 58,056,373 | 52,783,054 |
 | 1. Available - for - sales securities |
88,050,457 | 76,541,718 | 59,348,479 | 58,136,983 | 51,857,428 |
 | 2. Held - to - maturity securities |
6,755,260 | 6,733,753 | 184,273 | | 992,927 |
 | 3. Provision for diminution in value of investment securities |
-218,241 | -477,206 | -103,161 | -80,610 | -67,301 |
 | IX. Investment in other entities and long-term investments |
1,010,971 | 983,048 | 1,010,971 | 986,340 | 989,035 |
 | 1. Investment in subsidiaries |
| | | | |
 | 2. Investment in joint-ventures |
| | | | |
 | 3. Investment in associate cmpanies |
| | | | |
 | 4. Other long-term investment |
1,010,971 | 983,048 | 1,010,971 | 986,340 | 989,035 |
 | 5. Provision for diminution in value of long-term investment |
| | | | |
 | X. Fixed assets |
1,923,801 | 1,916,305 | 1,926,393 | 1,906,115 | 2,023,899 |
 | 1. Tangible fixed assets |
1,298,099 | 1,285,300 | 1,335,641 | 1,363,684 | 1,437,082 |
 | - Cost |
2,994,200 | 3,033,887 | 3,151,269 | 3,250,952 | 3,406,801 |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
-1,696,101 | -1,748,587 | -1,815,628 | -1,887,268 | -1,969,719 |
 | 2. Leased assets |
| | | | |
 | - Cost |
| | | | |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
| | | | |
 | 3. Intangible fixed assets |
625,702 | 631,005 | 590,752 | 542,431 | 586,817 |
 | - Cost |
1,908,548 | 1,967,013 | 1,980,649 | 1,986,030 | 2,086,191 |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
-1,282,846 | -1,336,008 | -1,389,897 | -1,443,599 | -1,499,374 |
 | 4. Construction in progress expense |
| | | | |
 | XI. Investment properties |
| | | | |
 | - Cost |
| | | | |
 | - Accumulated amortization |
| | | | |
 | XII. Other assets |
51,428,198 | 48,381,386 | 48,062,490 | 32,061,347 | 27,275,914 |
 | 1. Receivables |
33,238,490 | 31,229,241 | 31,406,608 | 15,969,552 | 11,411,320 |
 | 2. Interests and fee receivables |
8,976,228 | 8,952,845 | 8,522,172 | 8,299,605 | 8,384,069 |
 | 3. Deferred income tax assets |
1,263,743 | 1,301,299 | 1,304,013 | 1,304,989 | 1,195,836 |
 | 4. Other assets |
8,097,320 | 7,076,746 | 7,026,387 | 6,795,005 | 6,547,735 |
 | - In which: Good will |
118,507 | 99,313 | 80,119 | 60,715 | 41,310 |
 | 5. Provision for losses on other assets |
-147,583 | -178,745 | -196,690 | -307,804 | -263,046 |
817,699,538 | 822,366,981 | 864,392,980 | 858,884,594 | 923,847,637 |
| | | | |
 | I. Due to Government and borrowings from the State Bank of Vietnam |
4,118,311 | 111,865 | 387,940 | 26,027 | 5,713 |
 | II. Deposits and borrowings from other credit institutions |
156,356,651 | 153,846,616 | 178,580,696 | 167,416,136 | 201,756,421 |
 | 1. Deposits form other credit institutions |
83,234,756 | 77,529,895 | 81,845,870 | 80,189,046 | 111,863,209 |
 | 2. Borrowings form other credit institutions |
73,121,895 | 76,316,721 | 96,734,826 | 87,227,090 | 89,893,212 |
 | III. Depostis from customers |
442,368,381 | 455,817,478 | 471,348,616 | 475,782,339 | 485,666,548 |
 | IV. Derivatives and other debts |
392 | | 1,023,282 | 1,266,044 | 28,057 |
 | V. Funds received from Government, international and other institutions |
22,045 | 18,390 | 15,529 | 13,025 | 10,894 |
 | VI. Certificate of deposits |
47,787,312 | 46,344,356 | 54,199,709 | 50,941,501 | 66,975,704 |
 | VII. Other liabilities |
27,099,873 | 23,290,866 | 20,761,594 | 21,199,648 | 22,129,038 |
 | 1. Intersest and fee payables |
13,812,285 | 11,785,420 | 9,303,587 | 8,167,189 | 10,415,008 |
 | 2. Deferred income tax payables |
67,836 | 66,084 | 139,030 | 137,031 | 26,517 |
 | 3. Other payables |
13,219,752 | 11,439,362 | 11,318,977 | 12,895,428 | 11,687,513 |
 | 4. Other Provisions |
| | | | |
 | VIII. Shareholders' equity |
134,714,096 | 138,197,730 | 133,263,857 | 137,291,689 | 141,904,975 |
 | 1. Capital |
103,331,782 | 103,331,782 | 103,331,782 | 103,331,782 | 103,331,782 |
 | - Paid-up capital |
79,339,236 | 79,339,236 | 79,339,236 | 79,339,236 | 79,339,236 |
 | - Construction capital |
| | | | |
 | - Share capital surplus |
23,992,546 | 23,992,546 | 23,992,546 | 23,992,546 | 23,992,546 |
 | - Treasury stocks |
| | | | |
 | - Prefered Stocks |
| | | | |
 | - Other equity resources |
| | | | |
 | 2. Reserves |
12,233,277 | 12,233,282 | 11,675,185 | 11,675,185 | 14,565,614 |
 | 3. Foreign exchange differences |
| | | | |
 | 4. Asset revaluation differences |
| | | | |
 | 5. Retained earning |
19,149,037 | 22,632,666 | 18,256,890 | 22,284,722 | 24,007,579 |
 | 6. Other funds and expenses |
| | | | |
 | IX. Benefits of minority shareholader |
5,232,477 | 4,739,680 | 4,811,757 | 4,948,185 | 5,370,287 |
817,699,538 | 822,366,981 | 864,392,980 | 858,884,594 | 923,847,637 |
There is no report.