Friday, February 28, 2025 2:38:04 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,307.80 +4.84/+0.37%
HNX-INDEX 239.39 +0.79/+0.33%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.81 +0.08/+0.08%
Freight Forwarding and Trading Joint Stock Company (VNL : HOSE)
Industrials : Transportation Services
21.20 -0.30/-1.40%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/27/2025 21.20 74 113,032 65 88,310 24,722 33,800 712,200
2/26/2025 21.50 70 94,817 44 47,983 46,834 6,400 135,205
2/25/2025 21.35 133 162,824 65 122,938 39,886 87,400 1,827,600
2/24/2025 21.25 89 198,694 105 291,889 -93,195 111,300 2,384,090
2/21/2025 22.30 60 158,186 103 225,968 -67,782 118,500 6,286,170
2/20/2025 22.20 66 208,810 100 109,104 99,706 80,600 1,779,475
2/19/2025 21.80 132 138,060 132 146,107 -8,047 88,200 1,959,300
2/18/2025 21.40 138 351,832 150 247,085 104,747 204,100 4,219,805
2/17/2025 20.00 60 144,151 58 115,053 29,098 96,600 1,928,455
2/14/2025 19.35 58 105,943 50 88,123 17,820 69,000 1,335,725
2/13/2025 19.30 43 30,985 31 19,654 11,331 4,800 92,570
2/12/2025 19.20 61 42,061 56 40,539 1,522 10,200 196,450
2/11/2025 19.30 55 44,981 65 42,034 2,947 18,800 366,515
2/10/2025 19.55 45 76,271 90 60,823 15,448 26,100 516,395
2/7/2025 20.20 49 104,097 69 75,134 28,963 44,000 883,095
2/6/2025 20.35 81 78,133 90 82,628 -4,495 33,200 676,035
2/5/2025 20.40 71 75,611 99 101,917 -26,306 23,700 479,480
2/4/2025 20.00 74 152,207 121 98,595 53,612 65,500 1,289,965
2/3/2025 19.20 74 137,147 84 50,645 86,502 28,300 536,250
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