Wednesday, February 19, 2025 11:26:10 AM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,284.98 +6.84/+0.54%
HNX-INDEX 236.86 +1.02/+0.43%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.36 -0.15/-0.15%
Vinacafé Bien Hoa Joint Stock Company (VCF : HOSE)
Consumer Goods : Food Products
213.60 -0.10/-0.05%
11:25:01 AM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/19/2025 213.60 0 0 0 0 0 900 192,240
2/18/2025 213.70 64 35,055 29 12,037 23,018 400 85,250
2/17/2025 211.00 38 3,482 19 7,156 -3,674 100 21,100
2/14/2025 210.90 82 47,395 42 18,270 29,125 600 127,320
2/13/2025 211.10 67 34,949 56 31,732 3,217 800 170,640
2/12/2025 210.60 94 45,400 24 8,681 36,719 2,500 533,060
2/11/2025 213.70 25 2,801 22 10,308 -7,507 100 21,370
2/10/2025 212.90 40 5,881 36 14,458 -8,577 200 42,860
2/7/2025 213.70 67 25,967 33 22,473 3,494 1,600 339,650
2/6/2025 209.90 43 11,586 32 13,230 -1,644 1,000 212,230
2/5/2025 209.80 44 14,546 29 12,162 2,384 500 106,630
2/4/2025 211.10 37 6,764 22 5,821 943 1,100 234,820
2/3/2025 214.90 27 4,142 14 5,662 -1,520 100 21,490
1/24/2025 214.00 45 4,704 32 16,464 -11,760 500 107,240
1/23/2025 213.90 51 5,648 44 17,204 -11,556 1,100 231,320
1/22/2025 209.30 40 9,530 41 21,256 -11,726 900 193,570
1/21/2025 215.90 30 1,659 39 7,943 -6,284 0 0
1/20/2025 215.90 46 1,762 30 8,192 -6,430 100 21,590
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