Thursday, February 27, 2025 6:57:17 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,307.80 +4.84/+0.37%
HNX-INDEX 239.39 +0.79/+0.33%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.81 +0.08/+0.08%
Thai Duong Petrol Joint Stock Company (TDG : HOSE)
Oil & Gas : Exploration & Production
4.33 +0.11/+2.61%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/27/2025 4.33 212 1,048,975 196 618,732 430,243 304,100 1,348,151
2/26/2025 4.22 161 603,965 167 305,523 298,442 144,900 616,388
2/25/2025 4.22 317 1,043,646 256 853,218 190,428 577,100 2,516,204
2/24/2025 4.11 161 899,342 67 112,949 786,393 112,400 461,964
2/21/2025 3.85 218 762,363 100 225,532 536,831 195,300 743,025
2/20/2025 3.60 159 198,678 83 232,512 -33,834 134,400 488,091
2/19/2025 3.71 79 56,307 83 142,051 -85,744 19,100 71,551
2/18/2025 3.76 97 69,064 72 131,123 -62,059 28,200 104,898
2/17/2025 3.76 122 120,625 75 156,191 -35,566 48,400 179,001
2/14/2025 3.61 122 64,316 59 99,519 -35,203 30,100 110,494
2/13/2025 3.71 78 49,209 62 93,476 -44,267 20,200 75,077
2/12/2025 3.74 104 95,733 56 147,166 -51,433 53,000 197,009
2/11/2025 3.80 88 108,783 85 158,752 -49,969 34,900 132,614
2/10/2025 3.88 107 100,747 97 228,918 -128,171 40,800 151,988
2/7/2025 3.87 133 296,052 134 353,410 -57,358 187,300 699,256
2/6/2025 3.65 74 134,808 112 161,308 -26,500 58,000 211,420
2/5/2025 3.59 87 107,924 136 192,624 -84,700 39,300 140,780
2/4/2025 3.54 74 87,771 45 70,293 17,478 19,900 70,215
2/3/2025 3.54 51 40,171 32 73,938 -33,767 6,800 24,032
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