Q4 2023 | Q1 2024 | Q2 2024 | Q3 2024 | Q4 2024 |
| | | | |
 | I. Cash and precious metals |
3,620,695 | 3,665,067 | 3,638,265 | 3,608,503 | 3,384,770 |
 | II. Balances with the State Bank of Vietnam |
27,140,592 | 13,587,719 | 28,055,094 | 40,614,749 | 54,353,153 |
 | III. TreasuryBill |
| | | | |
 | IV. Placements with and loans to other credit institutions |
104,072,320 | 89,074,540 | 88,903,726 | 90,014,293 | 84,590,474 |
 | 1. Cash and gold deposits at other credit institutions |
80,126,897 | 72,791,538 | 77,099,429 | 80,586,687 | 74,887,085 |
 | 2. Loans to other credit istitutions |
24,046,523 | 16,384,102 | 11,909,794 | 9,607,946 | 9,884,539 |
 | 3. Provision for losses on loans to other credit institutions |
-101,100 | -101,100 | -105,497 | -180,340 | -181,150 |
 | V. Trading securities |
4,432,778 | 8,967,611 | 4,142,658 | 4,524,314 | 9,000,644 |
 | 1. Trading securities |
4,432,778 | 8,967,611 | 4,142,658 | 4,524,314 | 9,000,895 |
 | 2. Provision for diminution in value of trading securities |
| | | | -251 |
 | VI. Derivatives and other financial assets |
143,611 | 729,249 | 170,357 | 269,237 | |
 | VII. Loans and advances to customers |
512,513,672 | 552,577,121 | 584,713,478 | 617,924,570 | 623,634,271 |
 | 1. Loans and advances to customers |
518,641,568 | 559,276,885 | 592,083,271 | 626,290,777 | 631,724,964 |
 | 2. Provision for losses on loans and advances to customers |
-6,127,896 | -6,699,764 | -7,369,793 | -8,366,207 | -8,090,693 |
 | VIII. Investment securities |
104,993,945 | 131,188,842 | 113,677,245 | 102,135,236 | 148,623,636 |
 | 1. Available - for - sales securities |
105,356,248 | 131,568,267 | 114,076,318 | 97,062,825 | 142,202,792 |
 | 2. Held - to - maturity securities |
| | -399,073 | 5,400,000 | 6,900,000 |
 | 3. Provision for diminution in value of investment securities |
-362,303 | -379,425 | | -327,589 | -479,156 |
 | IX. Investment in other entities and long-term investments |
3,128,278 | 3,128,278 | 3,367,764 | 3,362,289 | 3,244,151 |
 | 1. Investment in subsidiaries |
| | | | |
 | 2. Investment in joint-ventures |
| | | | |
 | 3. Investment in associate cmpanies |
| | | | |
 | 4. Other long-term investment |
3,129,427 | 3,129,427 | 3,368,913 | 3,363,438 | 3,245,300 |
 | 5. Provision for diminution in value of long-term investment |
-1,149 | -1,149 | -1,149 | -1,149 | -1,149 |
 | X. Fixed assets |
8,892,697 | 9,258,648 | 9,626,880 | 12,752,316 | 12,466,885 |
 | 1. Tangible fixed assets |
3,527,586 | 3,593,852 | 3,669,412 | 6,974,513 | 6,576,699 |
 | - Cost |
5,492,566 | 5,703,862 | 5,923,748 | 9,348,348 | 9,080,615 |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
-1,964,980 | -2,110,010 | -2,254,336 | -2,373,835 | -2,503,916 |
 | 2. Leased assets |
| | | | |
 | - Cost |
| | | | |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
| | | | |
 | 3. Intangible fixed assets |
5,365,111 | 5,664,796 | 5,957,468 | 5,777,803 | 5,890,186 |
 | - Cost |
7,198,784 | 7,695,815 | 8,147,969 | 8,160,074 | 8,485,022 |
 | - Accumulated depreciation |
-1,833,673 | -2,031,019 | -2,190,501 | -2,382,271 | -2,594,836 |
 | 4. Construction in progress expense |
| | | | |
 | XI. Investment properties |
| | | | |
 | - Cost |
| | | | |
 | - Accumulated amortization |
| | | | |
 | XII. Other assets |
80,543,424 | 73,476,386 | 72,011,233 | 51,847,838 | 39,500,565 |
 | 1. Receivables |
69,834,157 | 60,267,488 | 57,105,306 | 36,294,684 | 29,540,943 |
 | 2. Interests and fee receivables |
9,681,140 | 11,654,956 | 13,395,035 | 13,921,648 | 8,125,964 |
 | 3. Deferred income tax assets |
70,409 | 69,822 | 72,118 | 73,401 | 79,856 |
 | 4. Other assets |
1,650,584 | 1,852,926 | 1,763,895 | 1,715,829 | 1,818,676 |
 | - In which: Good will |
| | | | |
 | 5. Provision for losses on other assets |
-692,866 | -368,806 | -325,121 | -157,724 | -64,874 |
849,482,012 | 885,653,461 | 908,306,700 | 927,053,345 | 978,798,549 |
| | | | |
 | I. Due to Government and borrowings from the State Bank of Vietnam |
131 | 938,925 | 410,381 | 20,542 | 11,531 |
 | II. Deposits and borrowings from other credit institutions |
153,173,002 | 172,892,747 | 154,612,416 | 138,462,274 | 132,239,088 |
 | 1. Deposits form other credit institutions |
50,619,678 | 76,496,756 | 60,471,427 | 70,584,329 | 72,210,834 |
 | 2. Borrowings form other credit institutions |
102,553,324 | 96,395,991 | 94,140,989 | 67,877,945 | 60,028,254 |
 | III. Depostis from customers |
454,660,779 | 458,040,690 | 481,860,239 | 494,954,017 | 533,392,350 |
 | IV. Derivatives and other debts |
| | | | 931,231 |
 | V. Funds received from Government, international and other institutions |
| | | | |
 | VI. Certificate of deposits |
84,703,300 | 93,776,798 | 111,985,283 | 126,061,309 | 140,422,321 |
 | VII. Other liabilities |
25,316,735 | 22,131,575 | 20,886,724 | 23,187,221 | 23,862,407 |
 | 1. Intersest and fee payables |
9,418,750 | 8,125,980 | 7,013,050 | 7,309,545 | 7,281,567 |
 | 2. Deferred income tax payables |
| | 13,873,674 | | |
 | 3. Other payables |
15,897,985 | 14,005,595 | | 15,877,676 | 16,580,840 |
 | 4. Other Provisions |
| | | | |
 | VIII. Shareholders' equity |
130,311,232 | 136,499,887 | 137,169,729 | 142,930,537 | 145,419,155 |
 | 1. Capital |
36,257,461 | 36,257,461 | 71,006,213 | 71,006,213 | 78,412,544 |
 | - Paid-up capital |
35,225,108 | 35,225,108 | 70,450,216 | 70,450,216 | 70,648,517 |
 | - Construction capital |
| | | | |
 | - Share capital surplus |
476,356 | 476,356 | | | -59 |
 | - Treasury stocks |
| | | | |
 | - Prefered Stocks |
| | | | |
 | - Other equity resources |
555,997 | 555,997 | 555,997 | 555,997 | 7,764,086 |
 | 2. Reserves |
45,028,627 | 45,028,418 | 20,845,440 | 20,845,050 | 24,784,649 |
 | 3. Foreign exchange differences |
| -20,133 | -13,199 | 10,494 | |
 | 4. Asset revaluation differences |
| | | | |
 | 5. Retained earning |
49,025,144 | 55,234,141 | 45,331,275 | 51,068,780 | 42,221,962 |
 | 6. Other funds and expenses |
| | | | |
 | IX. Benefits of minority shareholader |
1,316,833 | 1,372,839 | 1,381,928 | 1,437,445 | 2,520,466 |
849,482,012 | 885,653,461 | 908,306,700 | 927,053,345 | 978,798,549 |
There is no report.