Son La Sugar Joint Stock Company is a Vietnam-based company engaged in the food processing industry. The Company's principal activity is the processing and sale of sugar and its byproducts. It also produces microorganic fertilizers from residuals of the sugar manufacture process, such as mud, sugarcane dregs and ashes mixed with several kinds of organic fertilizer. The Company's other activities include the trading of petroleum products via gasoline stations, as well as agricultural products, such as corns, black beans and cassava, among others.
Son La Sugar Joint Sock Company
Km34, Hat Lot Town, Mai Son District, Son La Province
+84 (212) 384-3274
+84 (212) 384-3406
Web Address
Company Officers
Chairman of Board
Đặng Việt Anh
Vice Chairman of Board
Trần Ngọc Hiếu
Board Member
Trần Thị Nhi
Board Member
Thái Văn Hùng
Board Member
Nguyễn Trường Chinh
Head of Control Committee
Nguyễn Thị Thủy
Control member
Nguyễn Văn Đãi
Control member
Nguyễn Văn Tài
Chief of Executive Officer
Trần Ngọc Hiếu
Deputy CEO
Thái Văn Hùng