Song Da No. 11 Joint Stock Company is a Vietnam-based construction company. It constructs hydroelectricity plants, irrigational works, traffic structures and other power and communication transmission systems. The Company is also involved the operation and maintenance of hydroelectricity plant and transmission networks, electricity generation and distribution, as well as the operation of water supply systems. In addition, it is engaged in the mining and processing of stones, sand and gravels for construction activities. During the year ended December 31, 2010, 82.72% of its total revenue came from construction business. As of December 31, 2015, the Company was an affiliate of Song Da Corporation.
Song Da No 11 Joint Stock Company
Floor 7, Song Da – Ha Dong Complex Building, Km 10, Tran Phu Road, Ha Dong District, Ha Noi City
+84 (24) 335-44735
+84 (24) 335-42280
Web Address
Company Officers
Chairman of Board
Vũ Trọng Vinh
Vice Chairman of Board
Đào Việt Hùng
Board Member
Nguyễn Văn Hiếu
Board Member
Lê Anh Trình
Head of Control Committee
Bùi Quang Chung
Control member
Đoàn Hải Trung
Control member
Nguyễn Trường Thịnh
Chief of Executive Officer
Lê Anh Trình
Deputy CEO
Đỗ Quang Cường
Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Văn Hải