Sunday, February 2, 2025 6:03:33 PM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,265.05 +5.42/+0.43%
HNX-INDEX 223.01 +0.34/+0.15%
UPCOM-INDEX 94.30 +0.42/+0.45%
Vietnam Maritime Corporation (MVN : UPCOM)
Industrials : Transportation Services
76.90 +0.20/+0.26%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
1/24/2025 76.90 223 104,052 183 104,896 -844 67,500 5,191,500
1/23/2025 78.10 196 223,068 185 121,769 101,299 91,300 7,005,970
1/22/2025 73.50 349 165,180 253 144,330 20,850 103,500 7,627,730
1/21/2025 77.00 282 150,009 256 131,096 18,913 99,100 7,767,210
1/20/2025 77.60 330 204,783 264 146,609 58,174 120,400 9,342,830
1/17/2025 75.00 253 118,695 246 111,491 7,204 75,900 5,687,320
1/16/2025 69.00 168 156,962 165 82,933 74,029 56,600 3,814,140
1/15/2025 65.40 167 131,811 163 78,796 53,015 60,400 3,914,370
1/14/2025 66.00 189 169,244 200 121,489 47,755 60,300 4,015,690
1/13/2025 67.00 313 254,455 241 157,279 97,176 128,000 8,298,290
1/10/2025 62.30 323 188,639 294 170,878 17,761 124,800 7,786,700
1/9/2025 63.10 199 150,053 240 103,600 46,453 57,500 3,690,780
1/8/2025 62.20 464 314,844 415 293,993 20,851 291,500 17,387,180
1/7/2025 54.30 110 64,937 139 100,510 -35,573 49,100 2,656,610
1/6/2025 52.20 202 72,008 146 91,832 -19,824 57,200 3,032,440
1/3/2025 53.50 165 92,316 165 123,185 -30,869 84,300 4,619,570
1/2/2025 56.70 153 71,363 212 119,290 -47,927 50,400 2,850,120
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