Saturday, February 22, 2025 6:31:41 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,296.75 +3.77/+0.29%
HNX-INDEX 237.57 -0.45/-0.19%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.61 +0.53/+0.53%
Masan Group Corporation (MSN : HOSE)
Consumer Goods : Food Products
67.60 -0.40/-0.59%
3:05:01 PM
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End Date:
Date Current Foreign Room Volume Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
Buy Sell Buy-Sell Buy Sell Buy-Sell
2/21/2025 353,983,462 36,215 353,200 -316,985 2,455,440 23,871,360 -21,415,920
2/20/2025 353,668,985 340,546 469,300 -128,754 23,118,530 31,756,540 -8,638,010
2/19/2025 353,601,023 664,900 111,300 553,600 44,681,260 7,486,210 37,195,050
2/18/2025 354,116,267 104,228 350,692 -246,464 6,941,610 23,354,200 -16,412,590
2/17/2025 354,114,365 66,813 421,508 -354,695 4,498,640 28,393,150 -23,894,510
2/14/2025 354,130,862 51,018 134,656 -83,638 3,515,720 9,208,660 -5,692,940
2/13/2025 353,822,420 607,930 132,130 475,800 41,816,510 9,062,370 32,754,140
2/12/2025 353,825,550 516,200 50,316 465,884 35,519,170 3,466,290 32,052,880
2/11/2025 341,040,302 1,098,200 373,760 724,440 75,331,940 25,615,520 49,716,420
2/10/2025 341,676,194 1,867,325 630,800 1,236,525 128,657,670 43,407,770 85,249,900
2/7/2025 341,857,965 39,200 13,327,448 -13,288,248 2,649,920 958,994,220 -956,344,300
2/6/2025 340,035,685 188,600 462,308 -273,708 12,719,200 31,219,050 -18,499,850
2/5/2025 338,875,345 1,204,920 1,685,554 -480,634 81,717,190 114,220,280 -32,503,090
2/4/2025 339,793,925 2,020,100 1,926,480 93,620 138,424,510 131,751,200 6,673,310
2/3/2025 339,546,685 1,777,301 1,348,940 428,361 120,441,470 91,569,950 28,871,520
1/24/2025 340,691,086 2,528,130 387,340 2,140,790 170,225,180 26,028,170 144,197,010
1/23/2025 342,907,394 1,176,300 2,267,340 -1,091,040 77,262,540 148,669,640 -71,407,100
1/22/2025 343,641,303 325,916 632,900 -306,984 21,393,970 41,530,850 -20,136,880
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