Mechanics Construction And Foodstuff Joint - Stock Company (MECOFOOD) is a Vietnam-based company active in the food processing industry. The Company is engaged in the milling, cleaning and polishing of various types of rice for export and consumption in domestic market. It is also involved in the manufacturing and trading of machinery for food processing, together with other mechanical products and rice packaging. In addition, the Company manufactures handicrafts from dried straw and young rice plants, provides ground and waterway freight transportation services, as well as trades construction materials. As of December 2016, the Company was a 60%-owned subsidiary of Vietnam Southern Food Corporation.
Mechanics Construction And Foodstuff Joint Stock Company
No 29 Nguyen Thi Bay Street, Ward 6, Tan An City, Long An
+84 (272) 382-0509
+84 (272) 352-1252
Web Address
Company Officers
Chairman of Board
Lê Phát Tài
Vice Chairman of Board
Lê Mai Hân
Vice Chairman of Board
Nguyễn Văn Kiệt
Board Member
Nguyễn Bình Hiển
Board Member
Hồ Thị Cẩm Vân
Head of Control Committee
Hoàng Thị Liên
Control member
Lê Thị Hồng Nhung
Control member
Phan Lê Duy
Chief of Executive Officer
Lê Trường Sơn
Deputy CEO
Nguyễn Minh Phục