Sunday, December 1, 2024 5:33:27 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
LamDong Minerals and Building Materials Joint Stock Company (LBM : HOSE)
Industrials : Building Materials & Fixtures
27.65 +0.05/+0.18%
3:05:00 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 27.65 74 32,546 65 78,845 -46,299 12,200 336,920
11/28/2024 27.60 108 41,061 71 63,026 -21,965 9,500 259,260
11/27/2024 27.40 110 50,514 56 67,283 -16,769 16,600 452,800
11/26/2024 27.70 95 38,259 48 47,677 -9,418 11,300 309,685
11/25/2024 27.35 71 46,723 53 52,687 -5,964 7,200 196,970
11/22/2024 27.00 88 52,050 59 71,442 -19,392 22,200 602,380
11/21/2024 27.20 90 66,708 46 45,442 21,266 12,200 330,385
11/20/2024 27.20 48 34,261 57 46,088 -11,827 3,700 100,750
11/19/2024 27.40 77 28,111 43 35,807 -7,696 6,500 176,600
11/18/2024 27.20 67 19,462 40 29,760 -10,298 3,700 100,645
11/15/2024 27.20 88 36,878 47 38,374 -1,496 7,100 192,320
11/14/2024 27.15 77 43,232 49 51,230 -7,998 10,700 291,020
11/13/2024 27.15 72 56,893 46 66,259 -9,366 17,400 471,980
11/12/2024 27.35 62 36,339 64 66,835 -30,496 16,600 454,925
11/11/2024 27.70 52 27,110 65 67,205 -40,095 5,100 141,335
11/8/2024 27.65 78 72,767 95 103,189 -30,422 8,800 242,140
11/7/2024 27.45 46 25,581 61 106,457 -80,876 7,500 205,670
11/6/2024 27.50 73 92,100 78 96,199 -4,099 15,700 427,130
11/5/2024 27.00 109 120,941 68 165,553 -44,612 36,700 985,430
11/4/2024 27.00 50 33,223 68 89,325 -56,102 11,500 312,700
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