Sunday, December 1, 2024 6:01:02 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
Japan Vietnam Medical Instrument And Development Joint Stock Company (JVC : HOSE)
Health Care : Medical Equipment
3.23 +0.04/+1.25%
3:05:00 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 3.23 118 450,678 191 548,048 -97,370 288,300 924,399
11/28/2024 3.19 111 688,987 189 548,108 140,879 270,700 862,891
11/27/2024 3.17 128 156,399 173 539,940 -383,541 92,100 291,110
11/26/2024 3.18 221 587,914 199 592,210 -4,296 369,100 1,150,828
11/25/2024 3.08 311 778,863 229 947,706 -168,843 607,600 1,829,238
11/22/2024 2.97 243 307,088 130 597,652 -290,564 198,200 594,993
11/21/2024 3.03 345 967,772 122 1,342,718 -374,946 698,800 2,102,791
11/20/2024 3.03 242 762,453 144 828,883 -66,430 262,800 795,195
11/19/2024 3.04 176 395,852 109 477,493 -81,641 226,900 689,231
11/18/2024 3.03 228 286,967 102 293,342 -6,375 105,200 321,475
11/15/2024 3.10 386 649,816 200 887,495 -237,679 405,500 1,239,583
11/14/2024 3.15 160 180,935 108 374,010 -193,075 144,500 460,026
11/13/2024 3.22 214 554,019 139 540,907 13,112 240,000 773,574
11/12/2024 3.23 153 211,043 109 365,209 -154,166 96,000 311,879
11/11/2024 3.26 110 193,432 111 275,288 -81,856 58,700 192,016
11/8/2024 3.29 142 362,882 143 383,922 -21,040 114,500 375,055
11/7/2024 3.30 121 253,772 121 345,173 -91,401 103,500 340,316
11/6/2024 3.29 99 200,143 117 371,961 -171,818 109,800 361,352
11/5/2024 3.30 100 210,346 117 243,215 -32,869 50,500 166,062
11/4/2024 3.30 179 402,333 134 397,102 5,231 215,400 703,384
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