Sunday, December 1, 2024 5:29:31 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
Fecon Mining Joint Stock Company (FCM : HOSE)
Basic Materials : General Mining
3.06 -0.02/-0.65%
3:05:00 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 3.06 90 49,827 64 82,020 -32,193 21,600 65,845
11/28/2024 3.08 88 78,256 40 64,801 13,455 31,500 98,031
11/27/2024 3.15 76 83,812 66 82,438 1,374 43,500 138,725
11/26/2024 3.19 65 58,148 38 82,602 -24,454 20,100 63,352
11/25/2024 3.20 46 44,199 50 81,816 -37,617 25,400 81,148
11/22/2024 3.18 42 30,077 43 64,357 -34,280 13,900 44,180
11/21/2024 3.17 95 113,828 62 82,416 31,412 43,900 139,176
11/20/2024 3.10 85 93,094 53 57,301 35,793 25,800 79,086
11/19/2024 3.02 89 60,119 44 72,201 -12,082 31,200 95,263
11/18/2024 3.09 65 42,738 43 58,524 -15,786 9,400 29,324
11/15/2024 3.14 103 112,635 70 81,767 30,868 53,900 169,991
11/14/2024 3.25 52 52,020 43 82,722 -30,702 30,700 98,904
11/13/2024 3.21 51 35,030 33 44,626 -9,596 10,200 32,798
11/12/2024 3.23 97 81,974 46 107,791 -25,817 30,700 98,532
11/11/2024 3.23 80 89,799 72 114,796 -24,997 19,600 63,337
11/8/2024 3.33 66 64,202 50 96,634 -32,432 28,500 92,948
11/7/2024 3.28 131 261,470 64 144,859 116,611 66,100 205,323
11/6/2024 3.28 82 79,984 42 59,048 20,936 14,600 47,729
11/5/2024 3.28 115 73,668 48 56,090 17,578 27,200 86,841
11/4/2024 3.27 86 64,733 55 74,502 -9,769 19,200 62,888
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