Monday, February 24, 2025 10:20:12 PM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,304.56 +7.81/+0.60%
HNX-INDEX 238.49 +0.92/+0.39%
UPCOM-INDEX 100.21 -0.40/-0.40%
The Southern Rubber Industry Joint Stock Company (CSM : HOSE)
Consumer Goods : Tires
15.75 -0.25/-1.56%
3:04:58 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Current Foreign Room Volume Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
Buy Sell Buy-Sell Buy Sell Buy-Sell
2/24/2025 49,286,812 7,400 45,500 -38,100 116,920 725,490 -608,570
2/21/2025 49,293,912 0 47,200 -47,200 0 754,800 -754,800
2/20/2025 49,219,312 474,900 1,242,300 -767,400 7,662,550 19,879,010 -12,216,460
2/19/2025 49,475,112 45,500 300 45,200 722,370 4,760 717,610
2/18/2025 49,320,706 35,900 74,600 -38,700 571,640 1,191,550 -619,910
2/17/2025 49,148,006 138,000 219,100 -81,100 2,221,680 3,566,660 -1,344,980
2/14/2025 49,207,706 500 199,906 -199,406 8,000 3,204,040 -3,196,040
2/13/2025 49,168,206 10,200 208,600 -198,400 162,520 3,349,620 -3,187,100
2/12/2025 49,011,006 7,200 78,300 -71,100 113,240 1,235,040 -1,121,800
2/11/2025 48,909,502 120,200 40,000 80,200 1,889,870 627,710 1,262,160
2/10/2025 48,985,734 757,700 167,400 590,300 11,970,010 2,705,120 9,264,890
2/7/2025 49,698,534 682,700 108,704 573,996 10,462,720 1,789,350 8,673,370
2/6/2025 50,352,352 235,500 43,968 191,532 3,686,980 681,500 3,005,480
2/5/2025 50,579,852 148,100 44,900 103,200 2,238,340 676,560 1,561,780
2/4/2025 50,669,052 245,400 28,882 216,518 3,614,130 427,640 3,186,490
2/3/2025 50,818,352 37,700 8,000 29,700 537,350 114,870 422,480
1/24/2025 50,856,052 0 58,900 -58,900 0 855,080 -855,080
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