Wednesday, February 12, 2025 12:25:47 PM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,270.49 +2.04/+0.16%
HNX-INDEX 229.69 +0.82/+0.36%
UPCOM-INDEX 97.04 +0.29/+0.30%
Cho Lon Investment And Import Export Corporation (Cholimex) (CLX : UPCOM)
Consumer Services : Food Retailers & Wholesalers
18.50 +0.30/+1.65%
12:25:00 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/12/2025 18.50 0 0 0 0 0 133,400 2,469,130
2/11/2025 18.60 445 757,304 340 708,987 48,317 511,200 9,328,930
2/10/2025 18.10 619 1,144,990 423 1,254,777 -109,787 950,000 17,420,010
2/7/2025 18.70 503 1,012,105 513 1,926,459 -914,354 871,400 16,434,420
2/6/2025 19.10 710 1,482,295 718 1,737,585 -255,290 1,171,700 22,074,890
2/5/2025 18.00 417 835,884 452 1,189,553 -353,669 681,000 12,282,400
2/4/2025 18.00 720 1,683,556 670 1,886,278 -202,722 1,483,500 26,431,310
2/3/2025 16.90 125 234,997 126 281,632 -46,635 155,800 2,614,100
1/24/2025 16.80 270 564,510 247 884,681 -320,171 485,100 8,197,280
1/23/2025 17.00 235 413,014 257 851,228 -438,214 314,900 5,422,350
1/22/2025 17.50 450 1,222,242 442 1,566,144 -343,902 1,058,000 18,438,440
1/21/2025 16.90 196 354,999 268 1,085,147 -730,148 148,000 2,508,280
1/20/2025 17.00 336 695,551 395 1,485,031 -789,480 524,800 8,897,870
1/17/2025 16.50 173 286,347 166 1,065,111 -778,764 116,900 1,912,300
1/16/2025 16.40 159 264,099 190 1,032,451 -768,352 120,000 1,977,990
1/15/2025 16.60 140 224,751 161 299,531 -74,780 80,400 1,316,610
1/14/2025 16.40 231 452,509 197 412,639 39,870 216,000 3,527,040
1/13/2025 16.10 195 443,114 146 513,751 -70,637 274,800 4,415,160
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