Wednesday, December 4, 2024 7:02:13 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,240.41 -9.42/-0.75%
HNX-INDEX 224.62 -0.67/-0.30%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.44 0.00/0.00%
An Pha Petroleum Group Joint Stock Company (ASP : HOSE)
Utilities : Gas Distribution
4.02 -0.06/-1.47%
3:05:02 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
12/4/2024 4.02 69 43,324 52 102,601 -59,277 12,900 52,031
12/3/2024 4.08 64 55,894 49 74,482 -18,588 5,500 22,010
12/2/2024 4.09 61 63,256 53 38,118 25,138 8,400 33,763
11/29/2024 4.10 73 107,286 39 137,424 -30,138 5,800 23,475
11/28/2024 4.10 59 68,015 52 141,473 -73,458 24,400 99,971
11/27/2024 4.09 53 95,858 53 155,232 -59,374 31,200 127,685
11/26/2024 4.09 50 45,968 46 60,117 -14,149 11,000 44,829
11/25/2024 4.09 52 48,128 53 61,358 -13,230 17,100 69,684
11/22/2024 4.09 34 41,873 49 67,985 -26,112 5,800 23,707
11/21/2024 4.14 42 48,465 56 64,729 -16,264 17,700 72,594
11/20/2024 4.08 59 68,666 53 85,978 -17,312 12,100 49,123
11/19/2024 4.14 45 80,691 63 96,585 -15,894 20,200 82,865
11/18/2024 4.10 72 40,541 63 78,158 -37,617 11,700 47,509
11/15/2024 4.09 55 84,979 45 61,988 22,991 14,700 59,539
11/14/2024 4.06 61 42,835 44 56,575 -13,740 2,300 9,359
11/13/2024 4.10 56 64,872 41 52,407 12,465 13,900 56,812
11/12/2024 4.18 93 94,327 72 146,404 -52,077 29,200 120,256
11/11/2024 4.23 97 92,864 99 124,472 -31,608 23,800 100,744
11/8/2024 4.22 181 337,622 191 326,491 11,131 221,600 921,758
11/7/2024 4.01 55 38,604 51 71,917 -33,313 11,100 44,369
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