Sunday, December 1, 2024 7:36:21 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
Quang Ngai Agricultural Products and Foodstuff Joint Stock Company (APF : UPCOM)
Consumer Goods : Food Products
52.60 -0.20/-0.38%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 52.60 42 24,609 25 31,498 -6,889 16,900 889,570
11/28/2024 53.00 44 32,570 29 45,500 -12,930 22,600 1,192,810
11/27/2024 52.50 38 21,003 31 52,700 -31,697 11,900 626,930
11/26/2024 53.00 34 14,313 19 37,688 -23,375 3,400 179,620
11/25/2024 52.40 44 28,332 29 42,692 -14,360 13,400 705,100
11/22/2024 53.00 34 24,562 23 25,099 -537 16,500 874,380
11/21/2024 52.50 40 24,888 16 18,056 6,832 9,100 477,130
11/20/2024 52.20 34 23,699 15 29,002 -5,303 12,000 626,300
11/19/2024 51.90 22 13,461 13 19,079 -5,618 0 0
11/18/2024 52.00 31 14,128 17 25,603 -11,475 6,200 321,940
11/15/2024 51.90 32 10,258 29 33,339 -23,081 6,600 342,350
11/14/2024 52.00 39 19,244 43 33,834 -14,590 14,300 743,740
11/13/2024 52.00 35 43,947 35 40,243 3,704 18,200 946,320
11/12/2024 52.50 77 54,694 51 42,145 12,549 22,500 1,174,330
11/11/2024 52.90 43 47,147 46 37,030 10,117 17,800 943,000
11/8/2024 52.90 33 35,279 19 24,939 10,340 1,800 95,240
11/7/2024 53.10 53 53,233 32 49,209 4,024 21,800 1,156,380
11/6/2024 53.70 49 101,307 36 117,073 -15,766 45,300 4,293,490
11/5/2024 53.60 39 18,381 27 29,930 -11,549 9,700 520,530
11/4/2024 53.80 36 9,678 26 19,206 -9,528 2,600 139,570
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