Sunday, December 1, 2024 5:54:43 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
AMECC Mechanical Construction Joint Stock Company (AMS : UPCOM)
Industrials : Heavy Construction
9.50 0.00/0.00%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 9.50 56 484,462 100 349,246 135,216 124,000 1,186,060
11/28/2024 9.50 68 471,845 90 347,265 124,580 176,300 1,666,750
11/27/2024 9.50 68 318,407 93 408,037 -89,630 251,000 2,357,110
11/26/2024 9.50 50 169,005 105 261,365 -92,360 115,600 1,082,540
11/25/2024 9.40 41 86,380 81 176,732 -90,352 4,700 43,960
11/22/2024 9.40 45 116,137 94 226,228 -110,091 27,500 257,840
11/21/2024 9.40 50 116,779 96 225,333 -108,554 42,500 398,720
11/20/2024 9.40 65 367,207 97 300,242 66,965 91,400 855,070
11/19/2024 9.40 69 355,352 118 317,127 38,225 82,700 769,570
11/18/2024 9.50 59 364,250 89 227,893 136,357 73,100 689,300
11/15/2024 9.60 107 469,250 121 381,582 87,668 221,600 2,061,210
11/14/2024 9.60 84 513,615 105 399,627 113,988 213,400 2,016,910
11/13/2024 9.70 125 629,811 120 444,097 185,714 269,000 2,550,180
11/12/2024 9.60 85 911,337 78 792,307 119,030 100,000 5,772,050
11/11/2024 9.60 95 948,677 94 755,248 193,429 83,900 5,601,780
11/8/2024 9.70 59 153,657 85 206,593 -52,936 57,700 550,920
11/7/2024 9.60 48 371,007 79 228,568 142,439 3,400 32,860
11/6/2024 9.70 51 785,666 69 623,578 162,088 19,000 5,033,460
11/5/2024 9.70 58 268,208 73 159,394 108,814 45,500 439,950
11/4/2024 9.70 44 251,238 84 165,444 85,794 24,800 237,070
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