Asia Mineral JSC (AMC) is engaged in the production and exportation of superfine limestone powder (CaCO3) - uncoated as well as coated with stearic acid. It is a new company in the field of mineral exploration with only 3 years of operation; however, its capital and human resources scale are quite large compared to other companies in the field. The company inherits precious experience from Corporation of Economic Cooperation (COECCO) in the field of mineral exploration as it was a exploration enterprise of COECCO and now COECCO is the company’s big shareholder. AMC is also one of the few companies exploring white stones with their quays being assessed as having good quality, large capacity and good exploring condition.
Asia Mineral Joint Stock Company
Lot 32C, Nam Cam Industrial Zone, Nghi Loc District., Nghe An Province
+84 (238) 379-1789
+84 (238) 379-1555
Web Address
Company Officers
Chairman of Board
Phạm Việt Hùng
Board Member
Nguyễn Thành Hưng
Board Member
Nguyễn Thị Ngân
Board Member
Nguyễn Văn Hùng
Board Member
Lê Văn Chiến
Head of Control Committee
Bùi Nam Anh
Control member
Trần Thị Hồng Thái
Control member
Hà Thị Trang
Lê Văn Chiến
Chief Accountant
Quế Minh Hoàng