Friday, February 14, 2025 2:59:48 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,270.35 +3.44/+0.27%
HNX-INDEX 229.52 +0.20/+0.09%
UPCOM-INDEX 97.74 +0.94/+0.97%
Superdong Fast Ferry Kien Giang Joint Stock Company (SKG : HOSE)
Industrials : Transportation Services
11.60 0.00/0.00%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/13/2025 11.60 232 458,456 244 592,594 -134,138 174,500 2,013,425
2/12/2025 11.60 600 1,955,105 586 1,502,485 452,620 809,800 9,318,735
2/11/2025 11.25 155 193,938 86 195,628 -1,690 94,700 1,061,260
2/10/2025 11.25 191 250,704 158 466,982 -216,278 117,000 1,316,485
2/7/2025 11.35 303 633,478 349 577,052 56,426 356,400 4,038,490
2/6/2025 11.15 155 166,711 131 298,610 -131,899 53,900 598,955
2/5/2025 11.15 212 274,458 172 196,637 77,821 78,800 874,575
2/4/2025 11.20 185 493,543 141 138,715 354,828 62,500 697,775
2/3/2025 11.15 187 192,075 143 229,848 -37,773 103,400 1,149,085
1/24/2025 11.15 152 170,136 116 259,480 -89,344 86,100 946,460
1/23/2025 11.00 150 170,208 137 206,182 -35,974 36,200 397,605
1/22/2025 11.00 111 184,201 110 150,927 33,274 50,600 555,440
1/21/2025 11.10 338 641,068 175 399,166 241,902 186,400 2,035,725
1/20/2025 11.25 100 154,408 140 177,544 -23,136 45,100 505,745
1/17/2025 11.25 127 277,669 140 314,173 -36,504 69,900 784,975
1/16/2025 11.20 126 284,042 121 269,575 14,467 63,200 707,105
1/15/2025 11.20 112 92,870 128 237,807 -144,937 31,500 352,375
1/14/2025 11.15 101 141,324 89 153,409 -12,085 59,200 655,720
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