Sunday, December 1, 2024 5:32:13 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
Sao Bac Dau Technologies Corporation (SBD : UPCOM)
Technology : Software
7.20 -0.10/-1.37%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 7.20 50 37,407 35 35,371 2,036 10,500 75,980
11/28/2024 7.30 49 49,716 34 44,961 4,755 9,400 69,040
11/27/2024 7.20 77 112,922 33 80,165 32,757 64,700 457,040
11/26/2024 7.20 29 41,406 27 28,830 12,576 9,600 68,970
11/25/2024 7.10 38 35,706 30 23,364 12,342 8,100 58,310
11/22/2024 7.20 42 42,242 23 19,666 22,576 4,400 31,250
11/21/2024 7.20 39 45,125 24 15,530 29,595 3,600 25,510
11/20/2024 7.20 56 59,454 21 32,436 27,018 18,700 131,200
11/19/2024 7.10 46 40,839 30 30,732 10,107 12,500 89,280
11/18/2024 7.20 56 71,615 37 50,914 20,701 37,500 269,540
11/15/2024 7.50 69 66,217 57 57,931 8,286 27,000 198,450
11/14/2024 7.50 41 37,601 44 51,630 -14,029 15,400 119,140
11/13/2024 7.80 62 56,315 60 113,231 -56,916 32,200 243,360
11/12/2024 8.00 57 34,646 75 116,135 -81,489 20,000 162,040
11/11/2024 8.40 93 99,120 93 201,579 -102,459 83,900 722,840
11/8/2024 8.80 102 159,076 71 206,734 -47,658 117,600 988,660
11/7/2024 7.70 91 131,918 84 116,982 14,936 74,900 576,010
11/6/2024 7.00 31 43,820 18 39,460 4,360 16,200 144,285
11/5/2024 7.00 31 35,120 16 29,360 5,760 9,300 93,615
11/4/2024 7.10 45 47,289 34 47,021 268 19,300 165,244
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