Thursday, February 13, 2025 10:28:49 AM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,264.05 -2.86/-0.23%
HNX-INDEX 229.36 +0.04/+0.02%
UPCOM-INDEX 97.06 +0.26/+0.26%
Port of Hai Phong Joint Stock Company (PHP : UPCOM)
Industrials : Marine Transportation
49.00 -1.20/-2.39%
10:24:59 AM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/13/2025 49.00 0 0 0 0 0 226,000 11,304,460
2/12/2025 49.80 513 534,437 319 536,340 -1,903 310,600 15,604,910
2/11/2025 50.70 656 910,968 356 450,506 460,462 264,100 13,063,150
2/10/2025 49.40 1,079 826,563 643 1,061,922 -235,359 725,700 37,203,900
2/7/2025 54.00 768 1,191,508 559 1,036,764 154,744 527,500 28,660,330
2/6/2025 54.60 780 1,120,784 565 818,364 302,420 492,400 26,957,900
2/5/2025 52.80 668 1,850,752 409 832,719 1,018,033 642,900 33,471,600
2/4/2025 50.40 512 1,539,427 402 460,269 1,079,158 390,200 19,144,470
2/3/2025 49.40 347 475,633 270 245,876 229,757 176,200 8,703,130
1/24/2025 50.10 413 1,346,419 479 779,945 566,474 631,800 31,554,470
1/23/2025 49.00 409 446,720 402 424,039 22,681 184,100 8,947,370
1/22/2025 49.30 425 763,034 406 405,445 357,589 185,000 12,179,780
1/21/2025 48.50 394 707,281 357 402,767 304,514 354,500 16,513,290
1/20/2025 46.80 439 895,873 380 565,808 330,065 347,200 18,675,080
1/17/2025 46.00 362 1,074,444 347 490,360 584,084 221,200 10,065,090
1/16/2025 44.80 729 1,123,635 549 903,301 220,334 774,200 33,708,680
1/15/2025 42.40 202 371,090 164 244,427 126,663 147,000 6,137,900
1/14/2025 41.60 177 296,603 128 129,393 167,210 53,700 2,208,030
1/13/2025 41.30 342 373,122 197 327,989 45,133 243,700 9,977,950
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