Sunday, December 1, 2024 7:26:34 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
Vietnam Maritime Commercial Joint Stock Bank (MSB : HOSE)
Financials : Banks
11.50 +0.10/+0.88%
3:05:00 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 11.50 2,823 15,568,141 2,604 18,825,183 -3,257,042 4,948,500 56,552,270
11/28/2024 11.40 2,613 13,688,116 2,922 16,750,344 -3,062,228 4,404,000 50,327,330
11/27/2024 11.35 2,403 9,689,677 2,002 13,011,570 -3,321,893 4,028,400 111,111,705
11/26/2024 11.40 3,238 16,282,847 3,083 16,764,218 -481,371 6,410,200 73,357,385
11/25/2024 11.40 2,754 13,875,120 1,998 13,646,158 228,962 4,338,900 183,672,090
11/22/2024 11.45 3,011 13,397,630 2,636 19,912,952 -6,515,322 7,392,500 98,398,190
11/21/2024 11.50 2,735 14,837,146 2,366 11,857,392 2,979,754 5,046,600 57,540,630
11/20/2024 11.30 3,677 18,136,085 3,005 15,776,218 2,359,867 6,382,300 421,258,714
11/19/2024 11.20 2,737 11,949,036 2,192 11,370,295 578,741 3,964,500 80,807,815
11/18/2024 11.30 4,615 21,038,499 3,225 15,222,149 5,816,350 7,189,400 84,251,745
11/15/2024 11.30 4,357 18,741,358 3,031 20,392,062 -1,650,704 8,751,500 99,677,900
11/14/2024 11.60 3,000 13,731,733 2,556 17,329,061 -3,597,328 7,200,500 491,045,151
11/13/2024 11.70 4,857 22,682,349 3,119 20,923,531 1,758,818 9,990,700 115,403,985
11/12/2024 11.70 3,656 17,489,907 2,557 15,416,562 2,073,345 6,875,200 109,372,205
11/11/2024 11.65 6,974 30,801,511 3,793 28,628,119 2,173,392 15,842,100 187,909,380
11/8/2024 12.00 3,710 15,220,426 2,914 16,167,283 -946,857 6,527,800 79,475,490
11/7/2024 11.95 3,057 13,098,183 3,237 18,611,317 -5,513,134 6,113,900 83,826,790
11/6/2024 12.05 4,239 21,948,213 4,333 18,978,040 2,970,173 8,656,200 103,709,350
11/5/2024 11.80 3,553 16,900,906 3,011 15,657,865 1,243,041 5,819,900 73,304,110
11/4/2024 11.75 8,619 30,474,416 4,360 29,510,523 963,893 15,181,800 180,057,280
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