Sunday, December 1, 2024 5:53:10 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
IDICO Long An Investment Construction Joint Stock Company (LAI : UPCOM)
Financials : Real Estate Services
35.20 +0.80/+2.33%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 35.20 189 209,801 230 215,000 -5,199 179,500 6,274,290
11/28/2024 34.50 157 265,865 185 256,402 9,463 206,500 7,094,770
11/27/2024 33.50 89 97,017 96 91,502 5,515 68,500 2,278,340
11/26/2024 33.20 51 74,907 65 71,201 3,706 37,100 1,225,510
11/25/2024 33.00 59 74,007 92 85,901 -11,894 39,300 1,305,670
11/22/2024 32.90 93 149,706 106 118,100 31,606 85,100 2,804,190
11/21/2024 32.00 30 33,617 33 21,500 12,117 3,000 96,100
11/20/2024 32.00 66 119,504 59 63,300 56,204 34,200 1,088,510
11/19/2024 32.10 68 56,437 62 56,601 -164 28,600 915,810
11/18/2024 32.70 88 81,887 86 58,301 23,586 35,400 1,142,290
11/15/2024 33.20 56 58,017 61 53,401 4,616 19,600 646,190
11/14/2024 33.50 78 68,518 102 110,600 -42,082 57,800 1,955,470
11/13/2024 33.00 89 70,486 102 109,589 -39,103 51,700 1,734,000
11/12/2024 32.30 74 75,606 60 65,680 9,926 38,200 1,233,210
11/11/2024 32.00 74 70,106 49 92,680 -22,574 49,500 1,578,630
11/8/2024 31.80 41 38,926 34 37,700 1,226 18,300 576,940
11/7/2024 31.50 42 89,906 45 39,600 50,306 12,300 388,380
11/6/2024 31.50 47 106,731 44 46,400 60,331 12,400 390,750
11/5/2024 31.90 31 38,805 32 17,499 21,306 6,600 207,620
11/4/2024 31.50 44 24,806 38 31,500 -6,694 14,500 460,100
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