Wednesday, February 19, 2025 4:49:35 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,288.56 +10.42/+0.82%
HNX-INDEX 237.79 +1.95/+0.83%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.34 -0.17/-0.17%
CTCP Thương mại và Xây dựng Đông Dương (DDB : UPCOM)
Consumer Goods : Furnishings
13.50 0.00/0.00%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/19/2025 13.50 33 55,301 21 62,200 -6,899 26,100 351,740
2/18/2025 13.50 33 91,201 33 109,900 -18,699 41,800 565,550
2/17/2025 13.50 29 51,001 39 111,400 -60,399 31,700 431,190
2/14/2025 13.50 24 107,501 13 98,100 9,401 71,800 983,630
2/13/2025 13.70 36 99,002 34 146,500 -47,498 52,300 717,740
2/12/2025 13.60 30 124,601 33 156,600 -31,999 73,300 1,001,080
2/11/2025 13.60 32 79,501 29 97,200 -17,699 33,100 450,510
2/10/2025 13.80 31 85,001 26 93,800 -8,799 33,600 463,320
2/7/2025 13.80 25 53,104 35 127,500 -74,396 38,300 528,410
2/6/2025 13.60 33 94,901 32 119,200 -24,299 39,200 548,100
2/5/2025 14.20 44 558,416 43 569,100 -10,684 491,400 6,973,300
2/4/2025 14.00 48 115,192 23 106,800 8,392 52,700 736,610
2/3/2025 13.80 40 105,502 24 122,800 -17,298 34,300 472,940
1/24/2025 14.00 43 127,213 32 113,900 13,313 53,000 732,540
1/23/2025 14.50 52 206,716 27 207,900 -1,184 140,100 1,958,290
1/22/2025 14.00 49 102,985 29 89,600 13,385 47,000 651,930
1/21/2025 13.20 63 169,343 48 167,800 1,543 84,500 1,127,290
1/20/2025 13.60 50 125,963 42 159,200 -33,237 63,000 882,350
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