Sunday, December 1, 2024 5:33:04 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
Information and Networking Technology Joint Stock Company (CMT : UPCOM)
Technology : Software
14.00 +0.10/+0.72%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 14.00 61 47,036 65 45,782 1,254 22,900 324,810
11/28/2024 14.00 64 90,098 58 51,993 38,105 29,000 404,470
11/27/2024 13.40 62 73,288 25 29,940 43,348 9,200 123,130
11/26/2024 13.50 47 75,304 21 23,340 51,964 7,500 99,520
11/25/2024 13.40 63 54,671 28 22,157 32,514 7,000 93,510
11/22/2024 13.30 48 20,557 25 19,247 1,310 4,300 57,530
11/21/2024 13.60 43 25,629 27 26,757 -1,128 13,800 184,770
11/20/2024 13.40 75 40,269 30 33,308 6,961 12,200 163,040
11/19/2024 13.20 92 60,583 57 75,242 -14,659 40,300 541,740
11/18/2024 14.00 45 19,824 51 57,897 -38,073 4,400 62,050
11/15/2024 14.40 59 34,518 50 51,359 -16,841 11,400 165,330
11/14/2024 14.20 99 72,624 67 79,644 -7,020 60,400 884,150
11/13/2024 15.90 38 19,377 52 47,659 -28,282 12,400 195,000
11/12/2024 16.10 94 78,574 110 108,684 -30,110 66,000 1,038,720
11/11/2024 16.70 144 260,284 134 150,514 109,770 99,300 1,667,000
11/8/2024 15.40 130 361,359 134 103,905 257,454 103,700 1,569,410
11/7/2024 13.20 39 49,340 32 31,854 17,486 10,300 137,530
11/6/2024 12.90 40 34,768 22 36,852 -2,084 21,700 280,200
11/5/2024 12.90 18 13,658 20 13,699 -41 2,900 37,670
11/4/2024 12.90 23 11,128 19 10,199 929 2,500 32,260
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