Thursday, February 13, 2025 1:51:15 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,266.91 -1.54/-0.12%
HNX-INDEX 229.32 +0.45/+0.20%
UPCOM-INDEX 96.80 +0.05/+0.05%
Cat loi Joint Stock Company (CLC : HOSE)
Consumer Goods : Tobacco
51.00 -0.10/-0.20%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
2/12/2025 51.00 56 15,550 39 19,112 -3,562 6,600 339,210
2/11/2025 51.10 56 17,528 33 24,112 -6,584 11,200 584,900
2/10/2025 53.90 66 38,477 50 41,622 -3,145 12,800 689,860
2/7/2025 53.90 66 20,469 53 22,529 -2,060 10,500 564,600
2/6/2025 53.50 51 12,504 23 7,712 4,792 2,400 127,360
2/5/2025 53.00 45 22,362 38 26,013 -3,651 13,000 689,050
2/4/2025 53.00 64 25,558 36 24,319 1,239 10,100 535,410
2/3/2025 52.50 83 29,897 36 24,503 5,394 12,400 643,370
1/24/2025 53.00 27 6,599 21 17,845 -11,246 3,300 174,040
1/23/2025 52.50 22 6,023 29 14,595 -8,572 2,200 116,550
1/22/2025 52.90 39 12,139 25 19,886 -7,747 4,300 225,500
1/21/2025 53.00 31 38,006 27 31,533 6,473 19,400 1,022,900
1/20/2025 52.00 62 28,870 41 43,925 -15,055 16,200 845,700
1/17/2025 52.80 48 45,754 45 43,752 2,002 19,000 1,007,960
1/16/2025 53.20 37 16,631 24 10,263 6,368 2,600 138,320
1/15/2025 53.20 49 32,955 51 38,712 -5,757 22,000 1,165,230
1/14/2025 52.80 44 21,374 18 8,440 12,934 4,100 216,480
1/13/2025 52.80 51 52,475 32 36,012 16,463 18,200 952,630
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