Sunday, December 1, 2024 10:56:31 AM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
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12/1/2024 10:56:31 AM
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Today's Foreigner Trading Statistics
  Buy Sell Buy-Sell
Volume 40,069,764 41,167,162 -1,097,398
% Volume 7.97%
Value 1812.06 bil 1482.14 bil 329.92 bil
% Value 15.70%
Last updated at 3:05:01 PM
Foreigner Buy-Sell Chart
Upper Chart: Buy-Sell Volume, Lower Chart: Buy-Sell Value
Detail Statistics
Highest Net Buy Volume
Symbol Last Change Volume
Buy Sell Buy-Sell
HPG  26.75 +0.35/+1.33% 3,471,918 743,629 2,728,289
FPT  144.30 +4.90/+3.52% 4,127,607 2,459,291 1,668,316
MSN  73.20 +0.80/+1.10% 3,583,800 2,365,676 1,218,124
CTG  35.75 +0.35/+0.99% 887,300 87,984 799,316
DPM  35.35 +0.15/+0.43% 1,232,500 564,400 668,100
Highest Net Sell Volume
Symbol Last Change Volume
Buy Sell Buy-Sell
VRE  17.90 -0.10/-0.56% 834,400 4,988,042 -4,153,642
HDB  25.35 +0.05/+0.20% 229,900 2,068,500 -1,838,600
VHM  40.80 -0.30/-0.73% 192,300 1,492,729 -1,300,429
VND  13.75 -0.15/-1.08% 20,200 1,198,525 -1,178,325
TCB  23.60 0.00/0.00% 2,753,735 3,617,624 -863,889
Highest Net Buy Value
Symbol Last Change Value (Unit: 1000 VND)
Buy Sell Buy-Sell
FPT  144.30 +4.90/+3.52% 587,388,070 350,357,800 237,030,270
MSN  73.20 +0.80/+1.10% 259,931,680 171,424,070 88,507,610
HPG  26.75 +0.35/+1.33% 89,315,530 19,758,680 69,556,850
CTR  119.50 +1.90/+1.62% 72,184,920 8,000,390 64,184,530
PNJ  92.90 +0.10/+0.11% 53,988,440 23,970 53,964,470
Highest Net Sell Value
Symbol Last Change Value (Unit: 1000 VND)
Buy Sell Buy-Sell
VRE  17.90 -0.10/-0.56% 14,055,500 89,049,910 -74,994,410
VHM  40.80 -0.30/-0.73% 7,874,230 61,073,010 -53,198,780
HDB  25.35 +0.05/+0.20% 5,818,590 52,395,390 -46,576,800
VCB  93.30 +0.70/+0.76% 4,784,820 31,869,870 -27,085,050
TCB  23.60 0.00/0.00% 64,741,770 84,989,010 -20,247,240
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