Wednesday, March 12, 2025 9:00:17 AM - Markets open
VN-INDEX 1,332.54 0.00/0.00%
HNX-INDEX 240.58 0.00/0.00%
UPCOM-INDEX 99.40 0.00/0.00%
West Coach Station Joint Stock Company (WCS : HNX)
Industrials : Transportation Services
378.00 0.00/0.00%
9:00:00 AM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
3/12/2025 378.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3/11/2025 378.00 21 5,866 18 1,467 4,399 1,100 415,810
3/10/2025 365.00 10 3,205 10 820 2,385 200 74,290
3/7/2025 377.90 7 305 13 933 -628 0 0
3/6/2025 377.90 10 611 8 345 266 100 37,790
3/5/2025 367.00 21 1,702 9 1,012 690 600 219,690
3/4/2025 399.90 9 1,505 9 750 755 200 78,490
3/3/2025 385.00 16 1,849 11 946 903 200 76,810
2/28/2025 390.00 13 489 15 760 -271 0 0
2/27/2025 390.00 8 518 12 1,435 -917 400 157,020
2/26/2025 410.00 9 1,320 14 1,711 -391 500 201,000
2/25/2025 400.10 17 2,016 25 2,142 -126 1,100 441,120
2/24/2025 410.10 11 1,127 18 1,724 -597 400 164,520
2/21/2025 425.40 21 5,043 21 2,665 2,378 1,500 628,840
2/20/2025 440.00 29 1,250 17 2,150 -900 500 212,700
2/19/2025 401.00 18 2,148 17 1,470 678 600 240,750
2/18/2025 365.00 10 1,713 10 537 1,176 200 75,500
2/17/2025 389.90 10 1,410 6 234 1,176 100 38,990
2/14/2025 365.20 9 612 7 1,011 -399 200 73,030
2/13/2025 378.00 19 1,045 6 342 703 100 37,800
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