Transport Investment and Construction Consultant Joint Stock Company (TRICC) is a Vietnam-based company engaged in engineering industry. The Company provides engineering and architectural services for construction projects of railway structures, highways, bridges, sewage systems, stations and others. It is also involved in the offering of design services for locomotives, railroad cars and other mechanical equipment for the railway industry. Other activities include the provision of project planning consulting services, as well as automobile and office rental and leasing.
Transport Investment and Construction Consultant Joint Stock Company
No. 26, Lane 371, Kim Ma Street, Ngoc Khanh Ward, Ba Dinh District, Ha Noi City
+84 (24) 377-14276
+84 (24) 384-61892
Web Address
Company Officers
Chairman of Board
Đỗ Văn Hạt
Board Member
Đặng Tuấn Cường
Board Member
Mai Hoàng Dũng
Board Member
Nguyễn Công Phú
Board Member
Đặng Anh Hào
Control member
Trịnh Văn Tần
Control member
Phạm Thành Đoàn
Control member
Nguyễn Thị Lan Phương
Chief of Executive Officer
Đặng Tuấn Cường
Deputy CEO
Đặng Anh Hào