Sunday, December 1, 2024 7:46:37 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
Petrovietnam Coating Joint Stock Company (PVB : HNX)
Oil & Gas : Pipelines
27.20 +0.20/+0.74%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 27.20 98 108,650 131 173,800 -65,150 64,400 1,755,680
11/28/2024 27.00 119 146,153 132 169,600 -23,447 75,800 2,060,810
11/27/2024 26.90 77 92,369 114 149,501 -57,132 24,400 656,490
11/26/2024 27.10 98 116,519 94 143,900 -27,381 35,100 950,910
11/25/2024 27.10 87 149,169 121 170,741 -21,572 53,800 1,462,630
11/22/2024 26.80 73 115,104 92 158,701 -43,597 52,300 1,404,680
11/21/2024 26.90 108 76,227 101 121,103 -44,876 34,900 932,790
11/20/2024 26.70 140 236,692 84 135,115 101,577 42,900 1,136,930
11/19/2024 26.40 119 203,050 93 134,100 68,950 42,300 1,122,240
11/18/2024 26.50 154 298,105 106 194,348 103,757 128,200 3,409,810
11/15/2024 26.40 275 308,470 163 274,579 33,891 166,100 4,425,130
11/14/2024 27.10 167 219,215 171 335,101 -115,886 169,100 4,644,210
11/13/2024 27.30 214 202,996 111 216,400 -13,404 128,300 3,484,190
11/12/2024 27.60 284 236,458 130 234,901 1,557 149,000 4,106,900
11/11/2024 27.80 209 220,591 143 221,712 -1,121 124,300 3,461,770
11/8/2024 28.00 170 170,764 188 316,000 -145,236 104,800 2,971,190
11/7/2024 28.40 183 240,700 266 423,700 -183,000 176,100 5,016,720
11/6/2024 28.10 169 137,269 126 171,381 -34,112 71,900 2,012,420
11/5/2024 27.90 116 110,509 155 158,990 -48,481 46,700 1,303,910
11/4/2024 27.60 134 111,308 163 139,206 -27,898 40,300 1,112,300
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