Sunday, December 1, 2024 5:47:52 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
GCL Gruop Joint Stock Company (KDM : HNX)
Industrials : Heavy Construction
15.90 +0.10/+0.63%
3:05:01 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 15.90 12 17,902 11 12,510 5,392 2,000 31,800
11/28/2024 15.80 22 35,641 19 29,333 6,308 19,400 302,220
11/27/2024 16.00 21 27,122 19 28,812 -1,690 17,100 268,770
11/26/2024 16.00 14 10,409 14 8,495 1,914 1,400 22,120
11/25/2024 16.00 25 17,681 20 14,874 2,807 6,100 93,940
11/22/2024 16.00 19 14,719 13 23,227 -8,508 4,400 70,190
11/21/2024 15.70 10 13,002 20 40,703 -27,701 4,600 75,020
11/20/2024 16.40 13 7,505 21 34,241 -26,736 3,100 47,900
11/19/2024 16.70 6 2,402 10 28,035 -25,633 0 0
11/18/2024 16.70 14 14,845 10 17,393 -2,548 3,900 62,540
11/15/2024 15.50 11 10,605 13 21,174 -10,569 100 1,550
11/14/2024 16.20 9 10,701 15 22,038 -11,337 200 3,170
11/13/2024 16.20 17 31,303 18 37,428 -6,125 19,700 317,200
11/12/2024 16.30 15 30,902 20 48,533 -17,631 20,100 325,260
11/11/2024 16.10 13 40,707 17 60,841 -20,134 35,800 585,980
11/8/2024 16.90 15 57,302 10 64,348 -7,046 55,300 890,770
11/7/2024 15.90 17 29,402 15 51,062 -21,660 16,200 260,640
11/6/2024 16.10 15 32,703 24 74,062 -41,359 20,200 340,020
11/5/2024 16.60 15 30,903 17 45,420 -14,517 21,200 356,220
11/4/2024 16.30 15 16,132 11 19,839 -3,707 11,100 179,720
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