Sunday, December 1, 2024 1:32:21 PM - Markets closed
VN-INDEX 1,250.46 +8.35/+0.67%
HNX-INDEX 224.64 +1.07/+0.48%
UPCOM-INDEX 92.74 +0.39/+0.43%
AgriBank Securities Joint Stock Corporation (AGR : HOSE)
Financials : Securities Company
17.10 +0.05/+0.29%
3:05:00 PM
Start Date:
End Date:
Date Close Buy Count Buy Volume Sell Count Sell Volume Buy-Sell Volume Deal Volume Deal Value (Unit: 1000 VND)  
11/29/2024 17.10 697 807,590 461 932,341 -124,751 331,400 5,637,315
11/28/2024 17.05 470 546,600 433 802,439 -255,839 223,700 3,825,410
11/27/2024 17.00 483 557,005 356 786,378 -229,373 354,500 6,053,260
11/26/2024 17.25 562 1,310,884 765 1,652,071 -341,187 442,300 7,628,115
11/25/2024 16.95 439 655,713 414 912,541 -256,828 178,300 3,019,770
11/22/2024 16.90 575 831,535 526 1,176,621 -345,086 275,400 4,670,660
11/21/2024 17.05 519 777,922 382 659,552 118,370 270,000 4,552,335
11/20/2024 16.70 837 1,433,973 815 1,454,102 -20,129 603,400 10,203,340
11/19/2024 16.55 612 726,966 401 930,404 -203,438 324,100 5,421,080
11/18/2024 16.90 1,131 1,694,445 684 1,387,486 306,959 710,900 11,843,505
11/15/2024 16.35 1,747 2,132,236 662 2,291,462 -159,226 1,198,500 19,968,795
11/14/2024 17.05 1,150 1,587,933 586 1,800,666 -212,733 932,800 16,255,185
11/13/2024 17.80 1,392 1,817,823 640 1,799,912 17,911 765,000 13,546,710
11/12/2024 18.00 767 1,209,730 807 1,590,886 -381,156 531,600 9,625,590
11/11/2024 18.00 945 1,227,350 577 1,410,634 -183,284 510,600 9,167,310
11/8/2024 18.20 910 1,479,744 789 1,599,561 -119,817 708,700 12,867,220
11/7/2024 18.20 711 1,248,799 826 1,615,241 -366,442 535,500 9,778,595
11/6/2024 18.35 895 2,019,479 1,089 1,670,312 349,167 856,900 15,475,705
11/5/2024 17.70 502 590,610 349 555,709 34,901 238,000 4,192,060
11/4/2024 17.70 972 1,141,560 634 1,228,656 -87,096 554,300 9,761,425
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