BIDV Securities Joint Stock Company announces the resolution of the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting (EGM), which was convened on November 18, 2022, as follows:
1) Amending the Articles of Association.
2) Amending the Supervisory Board Regulation.
3) Approving the resignation of members to the Board of Directors and another member to the Supervisory Board in the term 2021-2026:
- Approving the resignation of Mr. Le Dao Nguyen as Independent member of the Board of Directors.
- Approving the resignation of Ms. Le Thi Thanh Binh as a member of the Supervisory Board.
4) Electing another member to the Board of Directors and another member to the Supervisory Board in the term 2021-2026:
- Approving the election of Mr. Lim, Do Kyoon as member of the Board of Directors in the term 2021-2026.
- Approving the election of Mr. Chung, Jea Hoon as Independent member of the Board of Directors in the term 2021-2026.
- Approving the election of Mr. Kang, Ju Seok as a member to the Supervisory Board in the term 2021-2026.
5) Approving the remuneration of the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors 2022: from VND2,214,000,000 to VND3,253,000,000.