APG Securities Joint Stock Company (APG) announces the Resolution of Annual General Meeting 2020 dated May 28, 2020 with the following contents:
1) Approving the report on the BOD activities in 2019
2) Approving the business result in 2019 and plan for 2020.
3) Approving the audited financial statements and Financial safety ratio report for 2019.
4) Approving the selection of the auditor for the financial statements in 2020.
5) Approving the remuneration of the BOD, profit distribution in 2019 and plan for 2020:
Remuneration of BOD
30,000,000 dongs/year
30,000,000 dongs/year
Chairman of BOD
15,000,000 dongs/year/person
15,000,000 dongs/year/person
Member of BOD
Profit distribution
To pay stock dividend 9%
Total amount:
36,625,070,000 dongs
17,014,450,000 dongs
6) Approving to amend and supplement its charter 2020.
7) Approving the trading of treasury shares.
8) Approving to supplement business operation of Securities Issuance Underwriting.
9) Approving the plan for 2019 stock dividend payment.