Sunday, December 1, 2024 10:41:09 AM - Markets closed
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Search Result
 SymbolNameLast PriceToday's ChangeMarket Cap.Shares OutstandingP/EEPS
RAL Rangdong Light Source and Vacuum Flask Joint Stock Company118.30-2.502,785.66 bil23.55 mil4.6225,611
RAT Railway Transport and Trade Joint Stock Company14.500.0024.02 bil5.92 mil-9.41-1,541
RBC Rubber Industry and Import-Export Joint Stock Company6.500.00144.59 bil9.86 mil20.43318
RCC Railway Construction Corporation Joint Stock Company16.100.00516.24 bil32.06 mil19.65820
RCD Rubber Real Estate Construction Joint Stock Company1.40+0.1048.50 bil4.85 mil4.92264
RCL Cho lon Real Estate Joint Stock Company11.600.00160.76 bil13.86 mil157.9573
RDP Rang dong Holding Joint Stock Company1.310.0064.28 bil49.07 mil----938
REE Refrigeration Electrical Engineering Corporation67.20+0.2031,652.10 bil471.01 mil18.233,687
REM Vietnam Joint Stock Company for Restoration of Monuments and Cultural Equipments---------1.15 mil------
RGC PV - Inconess Investment Corporation------303.02 bil89.12 mil----90
RHC Ry Ninh II Hydroelectric Joint Stock Company---------5.12 mil------
RHN HaNinh Railway Joint Stock Company------13.89 bil1.51 mil171.7899
RIC Royal International Joint Stock Corporation3.400.00239.25 bil70.37 mil----551
RLC Lao Cai Road Joint Stock Company------11.39 bil1.14 mil8.6082
ROS FLC FAROS Construction Corporation Joint Stock Company------1,424.67 bil567.60 mil14.96168
RTB Tan Bien Rubber Joint Stock Company26.300.002,312.95 bil87.95 mil9.162,871
RTH Thanh Hoa Railway Joint Stock Company------12.52 bil2.09 mil5.041,508
RTS Danang Railway Telecommunication – Signalization Joint Stock Company------21.67 bil1.08 mil5.094,611
Page 1 of 1
MRQ: Most Recent Quarter    MRQ2: 2nd Most Recent Quarter    TTM: Trailing 12 Mon.    LFY: Last Fiscal Year
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