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Banks to pay dividends in shares in 2023
Vietnam News - 6/27/2023 2:15:19 PM
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Many banks plan to pay dividends in shares in 2023, along with plans to increase charter capital.
June 26 will be the last day for shareholders of Southeast Asia Commercial Joint Stock Bank (SeABank or SSB) to exercise their right to receive stock dividends.
This bank will issue 295.2 million shares to pay dividends in 2022, equivalent to approximately 14.47 per cent ratio and it will also issue more than 118.2 million bonus shares, at rate of 5.8 per cent.
Not only SeABank, but a series of other banks are also preparing to issue shares to pay dividends this week.
Ocean Bank (OCB) will issue nearly 685 million shares, equivalent to a ratio of 50 per cent for existing shareholders. After the issuance, the bank's charter capital will be increased from VNĐ13.7 trillion to VNĐ20.54 trillion.
The State Bank of Việt Nam has just approved the plan of Sài Gòn-Hà Nội Bank (SHB) to issue shares to pay dividends in 2022 to existing shareholders at the rate of 18 per cent.
Liên Việt Post Bank (LBP) also plans to increase its charter capital by a maximum of VNĐ11.39 trillion through issuing shares to pay dividends, offering shares to existing shareholders, offering private shares to foreign investors.
It will issue a maximum of 328.5 million shares to pay dividends to existing shareholders at the rate of 19 per cent.
The Military Bank (MBB) this year also plans to increase its charter capital from VNĐ45.33 trillion to VNĐ53.68 trillion by issuing more than 680 million shares to pay a 15 per cent dividend.
After paying a cash dividend of 10 per cent to shareholders on June 12, HDBank (HDB) also plans to pay a 15 per cent stock dividend in the near future. Currently, HDBank is completing the final procedures to pay stock dividends to shareholders.
Late last week, Nam Á Bank also announced that it is preparing to issue more than 211 million shares with par value of VNĐ10,000 per share at the rate of 25 per cent, meaning that shareholders owning 100 shares will receive 25 new shares. The last registration date to exercise the right to receive shares issued in this batch is July 7, 2023.
If the issuance is successful, the charter capital of Nam Á Bank will be increased from VNĐ8.46 trillion to VNĐ10.58 trillion.
In the group of State-owned banks, at the end of May 2023, the central bank approved to increase the charter capital for Vietcombank from VNĐ47.32 trillion to VNĐ55.89 trillion, by issuing shares to pay dividends at the rate of 18.1 per cent. — VNS
Read original article here
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