YEG: BOD resolution dated December 29, 2022
HOSE - 1/3/2023 4:31:00 PM
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The Board resolution dated December 29, 2022, the Board of Directors of Yeah1 Group Corporation approved the following contents:
- To receive the transfer of contributed capital in Yeah1 Network Vietnam Company Limited, equivalent to 0.112% charter capital. Accordingly, Yeah1 Group Corporation will own 100% contributed capital in Yeah1 Network Vietnam Company Limited.
- To transfer 184,000 shares of Care Group Corporation in YAG Entertainment Joint Stock Company, equivalent to 10% charter capital. Accordingly, YAG Entertainment Joint Stock Company is no longer an associated company of Yeah1 Group Corporation after completing the transfer.
- To transfer 525,000 shares of Care Group Corporation in 100 Degrees Entertainment Joint Stock Company, equivalent to 30% charter capital. Accordingly, 100 Degrees Entertainment Joint Stock Company is no longer an associated company of Yeah1 Group Corporation after completing the transfer.
- To transfer 2,242,083 shares of Care Group Corporation in TNT Advertising Communication Corporation, equivalent to 65% charter capital. Accordingly, TNT Advertising Communication Corporation is no longer a subsidiary of Yeah1 Group Corporation after completing the transfer.
- To transfer the contributed capital of Care Group Corporation in Yeah1 Commerce Limited Company, equivalent to 51% charter capital. Accordingly, Yeah1 Commerce Limited Company is no longer a subsidiary of Yeah1 Group Corporation after completing the transfer.
- To transfer 1,398,320 shares in Your Entertainment Platform Joint Stock Company, equivalent to 99.98% charter capital. Accordingly, Your Entertainment Platform Joint Stock Company is no longer a subsidiary of Yeah1 Group Corporation after completing the transfer.