The Board resolution dated July 14, 2022, the BOD of Camau Trading Joint Stock Company approved the following contents:
1. Approved the policy to amend its charter by having 02 Legal Representatives, including Chairman of BOD and Chief Executive Officer to submit to the Annual General Meeting 2023 for approval.
2. Approved the record date to pay cash dividend for 2021:
- Record date: September 15, 2022
- Exercise ratio: 12%/par value (1,200 dongs/share)
- Expected payment date: October 14, 2022.
3. Approved the result of business result in first six months of 2022:
- Parent company:
- Revenue: 2,025,374 million dongs, reached 116.99% compared to the same period
- Profit before tax: 21,536 million dongs, reached 105.49% compared to the same period
- Profit after tax: 17.206 million dongs, reached 101.09% compared to the same period.
- Consolidated:
- Revenue: 2,189,681 million dongs, reached 114.49% compared to the same period
- Profit before tax: 26,152 million dongs, reached 131.10% compared to the same period
- Profit after tax: 21,087 million dongs, reached 135.03% compared to the same period.